Post Processing question


7 Years
Jan 21, 2015
Pearland, Tx
Recently processed 28 chickens (21 weeks old) of various dual purpose heritage breeds. After processing, all the birds were aged whole in the refrigerator for at least 3 days. Half of the birds were left whole for roasters and the rest were cut up, legs, thighs and breasts packaged. The remaining parts (backs, wings, necks, feet and combs) have made some truly AMAZING chicken stock.

I just read a post on another section of BYC that said if you leave the oil gland in it can make the chicken taste gamy.

My question is this: I did not remove the oil gland from the whole birds before freezing them. Do I need to worry about doing it at all or can I do that when I thaw the bird before cooking it or is it too late?
I would go ahead and do it even though you are doing it late. Worth a try, and actually I suspect all will be OK as long as it is removed before cooking.
Thank you!! I know the whole chickens I buy from the grocery store don't have their oil glands removed (their tails are still intact) BUT they are probably all 8 week old cornish crosses. My chickens were about 3 times older than that! I will just remove it when I thaw them out.
Thanks again!!

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