post your chicken coop pictures here!

We put the metal roof up yesterday...
It is taking so long to build our hen house/run, we had to put 1/4" hardware cloth then 1/2" Hardware cloth and we screwed everything together...we now have to put the wire on the outside so nothing can dig under... we still have to build the nesting boxes, but we still have some time for that... our Australorps are 12 weeks old (that's the oldest ones) I never thought it would have taken this long!
It is taking so long to build our hen house/run, we had to put 1/4" hardware cloth then 1/2" Hardware cloth and we screwed everything together...we now have to put the wire on the outside so nothing can dig under... we still have to build the nesting boxes, but we still have some time for that... our Australorps are 12 weeks old (that's the oldest ones) I never thought it would have taken this long!
It's the old adage ''Do it once do it right'' You will be so pleased when you are finished that you were so thorough! So impressed that people in US go to such lengths to house their chickens safely.We are so lucky in NZ that we are essentially predator free.
I wanted to post some pictures of our newly renovated coop, I hope this is the spot!

We took an old prowler camper trailer from the 70's and reworked the inside to make a lovely home for our hens. It ended up being a lot cheaper in the long run than building something from scratch. We painted the inside with the colours our 5 year old chose (which were surprisingly good). We even made a separate little area for our chicks.

What once was the bathroom is now the food storage area and so far the hens seem to be loving everything.

Hope i did this right!

(Not pictured is the outdoor run)





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Finally got my coop chicken completed!! It needs a few more additions- Need to hardware cloth under it so they have more space and add a second roost but it's basically done!

So nice to see finished coops! Still working on ours!

On your top nestbox you'll probably want a lip at the front of the box since chickens roll eggs around all over the place and drop to the floor. The little buggers are even smart enough to move eggs from one place to another. One owner found his dummy ceramic egg was moved by a hen to her clutch nest 20 feet out and away from the coop nestbox where he had originally placed it.
I wanted to post some pictures of our newly renovated coop, I hope this is the spot!

We took an old prowler camper trailer from the 70's and reworked the inside to make a lovely home for our hens. It ended up being a lot cheaper in the long run than building something from scratch. We painted the inside with the colours our 5 year old chose (which were surprisingly good). We even made a separate little area for our chicks.

What once was the bathroom is now the food storage area and so far the hens seem to be loving everything.

Hope i did this right!

(Not pictured is the outdoor run)

we also did a camper to a coop, we are now on our 2nd one as he first one the roof got a leak right on a seam and we did not know it til our chickens got sick from mold in the walls, now we hav a smaller one but is pe and we are still working on the inside, it has a big closet right at the door so i put the chips in bags and hay in that

I think so, if they are panting they are too hot. Also consider putting ice in their water and make sure they have shade. And if they are confined to the coop, see if you can't replace some solid walls with hardware cloth covered window openings to get air flow through the coop.

Thanks, yup they were hot (16 wks olds).They were sectioned off temporarily from a year old hens while I screen the top of the 2nd run for them, (got busy traveling with work)
Tho the coop has 2 big trees shading them and have screened 5 windows and insulated walls, they should be out again in a day or 2 in the new run.

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