post your chicken coop pictures here!

Jeeeeze Meep Beep... maybe FIT is an engineer and LIKES making things as "complicated" as possible...
How is your dog getting along with your chickens? I have dogs and am in the middle of construction of my 8x4 tractor.
Everybody's dogs are different. I have 2 that I rescued from shelters.

Based on their past history I would never let my ladies free range and keep them in a predator proof run with grazing boards so they have access to fresh grass that grows up through the wire.

I live in rural Colorado so we also have our fair share of ground and flying predators as well which is another reason I don't let them free range.

I have white wyandottes and they are very laid back birds and very large/heavy birds. Not the best egg layers, and mine lay thin shelled eggs that 80% crack or pop a hole in the end when they land. Result i have a lot of eggs eaten by the birds if I don't get out there and collect them. I end up cooking them and feeding them to the dogs. The WW's are the original broiler birds produced for meat and eggs. as dual purpose.

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