post your chicken coop pictures here!

Thanks you. One more section to add. I won a 7x8 rugged ranch pen so i want to connect it via a tunnel connected to one of the solid sections but first need to set up water system and lighting.

Almost finished with our new coop!!!!
That looks good. I'm curious about your you have venting along the eaves?  Nice roof slope for Maryland snow. :)
Also, I see that you built on skids :thumbsup .  Will you be moving the coop from time to time?

Best wishes,

There is venting in the eaves but only about an inch so hopefully no perd problems. I'm also going to wire over the ends. The other side has a really large window that in going to put shutters on so you can open one side or both depending on the weather. We are also installing an auto door! I haven't decided which one to order is anyone has and tips! We did put it on skids. We own about 8 acres and our chickens are free range. We decided it would be nice to be able to move it if we wanted to. We have some blocks we will install in between the skids that will be removable for cleaning or moving it. This weekend we will be building the door and the shutters!
Yes, definitely in Colorado. That kind of explains the elk shed on the coop, seemed like a nice place for it. We have some very average chickens, Rhode Island Reds, Rhode Island Whites, Buff Orpingtons, Americaunas and one barnyard mix bird.

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