post your chicken coop pictures here!

Yes, definitely in Colorado. That kind of explains the elk shed on the coop, seemed like a nice place for it. We have some very average chickens, Rhode Island Reds, Rhode Island Whites, Buff Orpingtons, Americaunas and one barnyard mix bird.

It wasn't just the elk shed that made me curious. It was your Handle FreshPow and the pic of you on a mountain bike. You look like someone I know. As you can seen I'm from the San Luis Valley. I'm gonna take a wild guess and say you live near the Arkansas River and Monarch Ski area.
There is venting in the eaves but only about an inch so hopefully no perd problems. I'm also going to wire over the ends. The other side has a really large window that in going to put shutters on so you can open one side or both depending on the weather. We are also installing an auto door! I haven't decided which one to order is anyone has and tips! We did put it on skids. We own about 8 acres and our chickens are free range. We decided it would be nice to be able to move it if we wanted to. We have some blocks we will install in between the skids that will be removable for cleaning or moving it. This weekend we will be building the door and the shutters!

You may want more ventilation. They need it year round and it is as important in winter as summer. Maybe MORE important if they hang in the coop when the weather is bad. Chickens are better suited to cold, even VERY cold, temperatures than they are to heat. No way to take off that natural down coat. You can put your location in your profile so people can make recommendations that are location driven.

I have a PulletShut. Nice door, all metal, swings open on side hinges. If it is on a wall that might get snow or ice, you might need to shield it. My coop is a converted horse stall in an old barn. You can get their battery and either a 120V charger or a solar charger. I didn't have power at the coop when I first got it and wasn't sure if there would be enough sun for the solar charger. Shouldn't have worried! Seems to use almost NO power. It has been running on two Alkaline 6V lantern batteries for almost 2 years. I don't like the idea of "disposable" batteries but geez these are lasting a LONG time.

"Programming" can be a pain if you want to change it as the seasons change. To set it you open the door with the supplied magnet at the time you want it to open in the morning and close it the same way in the evening. To change it you have to cancel the current "program" and do both again. I eventually got the photocell controller so it opens based on light, not time of day. The photocell is cheap, if you buy the door, get it at the same time so you don't have to pay for shipping it.
It wasn't just the elk shed that made me curious. It was your Handle FreshPow and the pic of you on a mountain bike. You look like someone I know. As you can seen I'm from the San Luis Valley. I'm gonna take a wild guess and say you live near the Arkansas River and Monarch Ski area.

Ha, right I like skiing and biking, but I live over in Durango.
@FreshPow nice cattle dog we have a very young Great pyrenees the old German
shepard we have is 10 getting a bit slow but did take out a possum this summer
You may want more ventilation. They need it year round and it is as important in winter as summer. Maybe MORE important if they hang in the coop when the weather is bad. Chickens are better suited to cold, even VERY cold, temperatures than they are to heat. No way to take off that natural down coat. You can put your location in your profile so people can make recommendations that are location driven.

I have a PulletShut. Nice door, all metal, swings open on side hinges. If it is on a wall that might get snow or ice, you might need to shield it. My coop is a converted horse stall in an old barn. You can get their battery and either a 120V charger or a solar charger. I didn't have power at the coop when I first got it and wasn't sure if there would be enough sun for the solar charger. Shouldn't have worried! Seems to use almost NO power. It has been running on two Alkaline 6V lantern batteries for almost 2 years. I don't like the idea of "disposable" batteries but geez these are lasting a LONG time.

"Programming" can be a pain if you want to change it as the seasons change. To set it you open the door with the supplied magnet at the time you want it to open in the morning and close it the same way in the evening. To change it you have to cancel the current "program" and do both again. I eventually got the photocell controller so it opens based on light, not time of day. The photocell is cheap, if you buy the door, get it at the same time so you don't have to pay for shipping it.

That's for the advice! I'm not worried about the venting they only sleep in there and between a screened door, window and roof venting I know they will be fine. I live in Maryland so the weather isn't to crazy here. They are also in it only at night. Even in the snow they venture out we always dig them a path they are true free rangers since birth and never stay in one place. Yes I created little monsters! Lol! Thank you again for the info on the door! I will look into it!

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