Post Your Crushes Thread 3.0

Huh? If you mean why are the pictures black and white, they're from old tv shows. And old television is all I ever watch. I couldn't name off one modern-day show for you.

Oh ok nevermind.I only watch like modern stuff and not very much of that either but I know modern celebrities pretty well.I watch TMZ & The Soup sometimes my mom watches those shows and ENews and I always end up watching them with her except ENews I can't stand them one guy is a complete wimp and the women are anorexic and they are all complete and utter buttkisses to the extreme.
I know, I stink.
I just never watch any modern shows because they're all rated 14 with 50 bitrillion letters behind it. And even when I get to be that old, I don't wanna watch stuff with a bunch of bad language and violence in it. I can't stand bad language. Every time I hear someone swear I just wanna slap their face off for it. Most people these days can't go two minutes without saying something bad! And why don't they make shows like they use to. Shows that the whole family could sit down and watch together. Now there are only two types of television: the Y-6 and the 14. Alright, my mini-rant is over now.
I know, I stink. :/  I just never watch any modern shows because they're all rated 14 with 50 bitrillion letters behind it. And even when I get to be that old, I don't wanna watch stuff with a bunch of bad language and violence in it. I can't stand bad language. Every time I hear someone swear I just wanna slap their face off for it. Most people these days can't go two minutes without saying something bad! And why don't they make shows like they use to. Shows that the whole family could sit down and watch together. Now there are only two types of television: the Y-6 and the 14. Alright, my mini-rant is over now.

Ah ranting is fine I do it to.Hm well this is one thing I disagree on XD I don't watch that much tv but when I do it's usually pretty far from appropriate.I either watch adult comedies or horrors.I hear a lot of cussing and although I practically never cuss unless I'm angry or trying to prove a point I could care less if people around me cuss or not.You really won't like any of my music XD

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