Post your FIRST EGG pics!

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First time chicken owners, we have had our 5 chickens for 16 weeks now and we finally got our first egg that we found this morning. We are so very excited... it actually threw our whole morning off and we almost got the kids off to school late. My daughter ended up eating breakfast in the car and my son went to school with his hair sticking straight up!! Oh my. Anyway I have questions!!!
First off we don't know which one of these lovely ladies laid this egg... I have read that all 5 of ours will probably be giving us some shade of brown. I guess it really doesn't matter too much who laid it but can any of you tell what breed may have laid it? We have a buff orpington, australorp, 2 barred rocks, and a RIR.
Next we have nesting boxes in the coop but I actually found the egg on the ground in the corner of the coop beside the dresser we turned into nesting boxes, how do you suggest we get them to lay in the boxes? Because if they lay on the ground all the time our 5 kiddos that do the chores may end up smashing the eggs... they aren't always observant. Another thing is that all our chickens are the same age, do you think we will start getting eggs on a regular basis now that 1 laid an egg? How long will it take for the eggs to get to the actual size that they will be... I'm sure you can tell by the picture that it is much smaller than an average sized store bought egg. I think that's all my questions.

Most of all we are soooo very excited. We have worked hard to keep these girls happy for the past 16 weeks, we actually almost lost the brown one but we managed to save her and we are so glad. We've only had them for 4 months but they are part of the family now and we love them!!

Judging by the comb and wattle development, I'd say it's the black one (reddest comb and wattles). The rock on the left will start in 2 weeks.
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Looks yummy
I am at work offshore for another 6 days, i will have an egg septional feast when it get home
Judging by the comb and wattle development, I'd say it's the black one (reddest comb and wattles). The rock on the left will start in 2 weeks.
I agree that it's probably the one with the largest and redist comb and wattles. I'm a first timer too, but my BO had those first and laid first, then my BR had that next and started yesterday! Today I got two eggs as well and I'm a happy camper!!!
Thanks that's what I was thinking but wasn't sure if their comb size and waddle size mattered in egg laying. We are anxious to see when we will get the next egg! All 5 are 18 weeks old so I assume the others will start laying soon too. My son is so excited that his "Penguin" was the first to lay!
Thanks that's what I was thinking but wasn't sure if their comb size and waddle size mattered in egg laying. We are anxious to see when we will get the next egg! All 5 are 18 weeks old so I assume the others will start laying soon too. My son is so excited that his "Penguin" was the first to lay!
LOL!!! Penguin! Kids are so creative, aren't they? My two cuckoo marans are next up. I think Daisy will be next. Her comb is just starting to get pink and wattles are just beginning to show a little bit. I guess they're all individuals, even the same breed that's the same age. I think Pansy will be the last to start laying. I think marans start a little later than some others, but they end up laying really large, really dark chocolate brown eggs. My two that are laying had a sudden growth and deeping of color of their combs and wattles just before laying. Watch yours and see if they don't do the same.
Sandywitch, kids are so creative. My daughter named her BR snuggles. We share our coop with our neighbors and their 3 chickens are named Twilight, snowball and brownie. Really we just share all the chickens and since the coop is in our yard I get to spend a lot of time with them all. I definitely will keep a better watch on their combs and wattles. I did notice that one of the BRs Wattles looked bigger than the others so I can see where 2 of the same breed would grow at different rates too. Who knew I'd be this excited about chickens laying eggs! It was seriously like Christmas morning when I saw the egg and I am sure I had a smile all morning because of one tiny egg! I think I'm chicken crazy!
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