Post your FIRST EGG pics!

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my first eggs look exactly like yours and I am puttng my money on the wyandottes, I have all of the kinds you have also I really thought that it would be our RIR but my eggs look like yours so I am going with the wyandottes after your pics..Love your EGGS! Same age also I think our chicks were born march 20th
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My first egg ever!!!! I am soooo happy. It was even laid in the nest box!! I am so excited that I can hardly contain myself. It is the small greenish colored egg in the picture. The egg next to it is a jumbo store bought egg. My EE is 24 weeks old today.



This is Goldie.
We got our first bantam eggs this week. We have been getting brown regular sized eggs from our production reds since July 12, but this week we got 2 light brown bantam eggs and yesterday bright white bantam egg, they are so cute. After carrying so many brown eggs out of coop for last month that white one looked so funny! Perfectly shaped!
Got our first egg yesterday from one of our 2 silkies! Talk about CUTE little eggs
It's going to take a while to get enough for an omlet, they are so tiny

Here it to reg large sized egg from the store

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