Post your most handsome cockerel/rooster contest! ends June 12th 2023

OK, that makes sense. I'm not familiar with the process at all (for obvious reasons) so how exactly does it work? Do the males come with a leg band or something to distinguish them?
No, usually you have to wait and see (i think it depends on the hatchery) but he's the only one of the breed that i got. There's no other CWs because they were out of stock on hens but i needed another rooster anyways so i got him.
Aw I can't enter two?
Fine, here's my favorite cock. Sir Cuckoo. He step dances and tidbits for me. I would enter 2 others, El Morya and Abeille (French for 'bee') but nooo only one entry.
Sir Cuckoo

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