Post your old Pictures of your family- Pictoral Genealogy


14 Years
Sep 26, 2008
Huntingdon- West Tn
I recently uploaded some older pictures of some of my family- I still have some that are pre- 1900 that I haven't yet scanned. Thought we could upload some our older pictures . I know there are a lot of people here that enjoy genealogy as well as chickens . I will start with a few. Have fun
This one is my Mom and Dad in 1960 - I was born in 62

This is my dad on the far right - His dad (My grandad) next to him, My granny and my uncle on the far left. This was taken when My ggrandfather died in 1975

This is my dad on the left and his friend Ralph on the right- This if from the late fifties or the early sixties

Sorry I messed up the middle picture of my grandparents - I will post that later.
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Supposedly this picture was Thanksgiving, 1962. But thats not possible. The baby in the picture is my sister, who was born in 61. And there is no way she's 14 months old in this picture LOL. This is , from right to left, my grandfather, grandmother, uncle, aunt, my older sister and the doofy lookin guy is my dad.

I have a whole family pic from somewhere around 1974.. UGH, the clothes.. the hairstyles.. yukyukyuk. I won't show that one..
Here is 1965.. the very VERY adorable one in the front is me.

The very funny looking woman on the left with the stylish cat glasses is a woman who claims to be my mother.
You ARE very cute!! I remember the cat glasses on my granny!! I think she still has them put up in the kitchen cabinet somewhere. Hers weren't shades- She had the eyeglasses.
Here is one taken about 1969 or late 1968- This is my grandad holding My bro and sister- (Twins) Ray and Renee. I'm the chubby kid with funny clothes. LOL


BTW - My grandad is not wearing a striped pimp suit- It's his work coveralls!!
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Hee hee.. you wanna see funny clothes? This is the girls of the family- grandma, the woman who claims to be my mother, Aunt 1, Aunt 2, sister, and the cute one on the end is me. 1968 or there abouts. ( the last year I was cute)
and my mom had the cat glasses in sun, and regular. UGH, she wore the regular ones long after they went out of style ( if they were ever actually in style)
I loooovvvveee old pictures! I have old family pictures out the wazoo but I have none on my new computer (never transfered files). I have been working on my family tree for almost 5 yrs now and have accumalated bunches of pics! My favorite one is of my great great great grandparents in their older years. He was born in 1820 and grandmother was born around 1840 or so. The picture was taken in the late 1800's.

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