Potential Avocado Emergency, any advice appreciated!


10 Years
Jul 17, 2012
Phoenix, AZ
Hello everyone, I'm hoping someone on here has some actual experience with this, because google is failing me. My turkey just had about 3 or 4 small(3/4") pieces of avocado roughly 15 minutes ago. I didn't think anything of it but then realized I should check to make sure it's safe. Come to find out it's very not safe. Is she going to be alright? She's a big girl, I'm hoping it won't be enough to hurt her, but I wanted to come on here and find out for sure. Is there anything I can give her to dilute it in her system or reverse the adverse effects of the avocado? She just had her dinner and has plenty of fresh water in her pen right now. I hope I'm getting anxious over nothing, but I just want to make sure she'll be alright. If anyone has any advice, experience, etc, I would be forever grateful. I feel absolutely horrible right now.
This is like one of those moments your dog gulps up a grape or gets into the kids chocolate rabbit. Give them lots of water so it gets through their system. You can encourage dogs with milk, meat, grease, or fat from a previous meal. Maybe try some scratch or some frozen treats. Make a watery smoothy?? She will probably be fine but you just want it through their system as fast as possible ;)
Alright, that makes sense. I will see if I can entice her with some goodies to get that moving through her system. Thank you, that makes me feel better!

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