Poultry Contest!

Name: Skittles
Age: 2
Breed: Polish Standard Size
Personality: Sweet, loving, very protective, friendly, lets me pick him up, THE. BEST. ROO. EVER.

Name: Sadie
Age: 1
Breed: d'Uccle bantam
Personality: A little flighty, but still sweet, and a GREAT mom.

Name: Clover
Age: 9 months
Breed: Rock/Buttercup cross bantam
Personality: Sweet and curious.

Beautiful Birds! I would just take Clover off your hands any time! She is so pretty! Wow! I love the feather color and pattern on her.
Name: Angel
Age: 1 year
Breed: Silkie
Personality: Angel is a sweet bird but she is a bit of a rebel and loves to stick her head in the water tray and get her hairdo all messy. I had given her a bath before this photo and she looks so pretty here. Most of the time she looks pretty crazy with her wet hairstyle. She is super sweet!

Name: Angel
Age: 1 year
Breed: Silkie
Personality: Angel is a sweet bird but she is a bit of a rebel and loves to stick her head in the water tray and get her hairdo all messy. I had given her a bath before this photo and she looks so pretty here. Most of the time she looks pretty crazy with her wet hairstyle. She is super sweet!

Aww! She looks like one big white puff ball! Lol!
In your dreams...

NAME: Magail
Breed: Rhode Island Red
Age: 3yrs
Personality: cocky, thinks hes in charge untill you scoop him up in your arms; talkitive, likes to cluck back to you when you pet him; Bottom-less pit, he eats more than any chicken i've ever had!

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