Power out delayed hatching!


Jun 29, 2019
Hi, I've been incubating chicken eggs as a hobby on my janoel 8 48 for almost 5 years now. This season I decided to put 13 chicken eggs and candled them on day 7, 10 and 13 all where alive. But on day 15 there was a power out of 7 hours I didn't opened the incubator lid and just waited. Today is day 22 and just 2 eggs have pipped. Should I do the float test? Did the power out killed the other 11? I'd really like some opinions because I'm afraid of what might have happened. Thanks!
Hi, I've been incubating chicken eggs as a hobby on my janoel 8 48 for almost 5 years now. This season I decided to put 13 chicken eggs and candled them on day 7, 10 and 13 all where alive. But on day 15 there was a power out of 7 hours I didn't opened the incubator lid and just waited. Today is day 22 and just 2 eggs have pipped. Should I do the float test? Did the power out killed the other 11? I'd really like some opinions because I'm afraid of what might have happened. Thanks!
Hi there, welcome to BYC! :frow

So is it external pips you are seeing or internal you are hearing?

Don't float anything. Just be patient, keep humidity up and let hatch take it's natural course as all your previous times... Just a bit delayed. :wee

That's really about all you can or should do right now. Only time will tell. I had an outage like that got 50% hatch and 50% deformity out of the hatched ones. But different time of year and conditions so anything could still happen! :pop

Adding your general location to your profile can help peeps make the best suggestions possible at a glance. ;)

And for future reference many will wrap their bator with something to insulate it during an outage. Or even heat water bottles on the BBQ and place around the bator type thing. Others may have more suggestions. Unfortunately my power goes out ALL the time during winter storms so it's a risk I always face. :hmm

I had seen two external peeps. One of the chicks started to zip and while she was doing thst she started to spit some foam and it stopped peeing, I took it out of the incubator and saw the chick had died. I don't know what happened, but apparently it drowened. The other chick is slowly zipping and the other 10 eggs show no sign of external peep. I'm from Colombia, and the average weather is around 20 degrees Celsius all the year.
I had seen two external peeps. One of the chicks started to zip and while she was doing thst she started to spit some foam and it stopped peeing, I took it out of the incubator and saw the chick had died. I don't know what happened, but apparently it drowened. The other chick is slowly zipping and the other 10 eggs show no sign of external peep. I'm from Colombia, and the average weather is around 20 degrees Celsius all the year.
Sorry to hear it, that does sound like possible drowning.

Where did you keep your bator temp and humidity for the first 18 days.and is it circulated or still air? What color are the egg your hatching?

How is your other zipping baby? :fl
The other zipping chick is having trouble to break free but at least it's beak is already out. I did the float test to the rest of the eggs and just one moved, the rest nothing. I checked thi egg and it hasn't even started to peep the air cell so I don't know how to help it. The incubator uses a fan to move the air inside of it. And the humidity was 55 percent till day 18. Then I raised it to 70 percent. 4 eggs where white and small (the one that drowened was of this color) other 3 are big and blueish which one of them seems alive. according to the float test and the rest are normal brown like eggs the one that's zipping is of this color.

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