prayer request update pg 2


12 Years
Mar 28, 2007
as most of yall know im pretty quiet here.i dont talk much if any about me or my family.but we just found out that my uncle whos 72 or 73 has cancer.they found some spots on his kidneys an lungs.anthey say its cancer.he also has a spot on his brain as if you would please pray my my uncle an his/our familes.
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We've just been through cancer in my family this past year. My sister was diagnosed with it 2 weeks after she had her 7th child. It is a hard thing for families to deal with. Rest assured that your uncle and your family will be in our thoughts and prayers.
thanks everyone it means alot to me an my family to have your prayers.the drs are going todo all they can for him.they are thinking its spread to his brain as well.

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