prayer warriors (following Jesus Christ, everyone welcome)

Halloween has always given me the chills. We have never celebrated it because its a holiday focusing on death (not death and heaven but the evil death). We always celebrate All Saints day which is the day after and was actually celebrated before Halloween (which was changed from all hallows eve, which means the eve before a holy day).
OK I thinkwe need to move on to a different topic. There are different opinions on this matter I not sure about yoga one way or the other. But I will say if it's against God it's against him it just like a little white lie is still a lie. I not reading and hostility but I know how different opinions can build that way. I might be over reading not feeling the best right now. Different topic has anyone read Hosea lately I had a dear lady bringnit up in Bible study how we are the unfaithful spouse and how Jesus is Hosea in this story and how our righteous and salvation doesn't rely on us being faithful but on Christ faithfulness. It just moved me to think how much Jesus loves us yes I realize he loved us enough to die but to put it in that manner I understand what we put him through and find it amazing that he loves inspite of that.
Okay what do you guys think if you dont decorate or anything and only go out for a brief time for the candy part of it and only let them wear positive/light costumes and nothing dark?

Or is the next day just better? But how would they trick or treat?

Or maybe just buy them candy?
Yeah but I'm just thinking of fun for kids, I dont wanna never let them do any thing fun or what friends are doing haha

Btw I dont have any kids and wont for a long time if i do so hypothetical

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