prayer warriors (following Jesus Christ, everyone welcome)

I'm thinking that it was a blessing that they were allowed to settle in Goshen, which kept them somewhat separated from the Egyptians and their false gods.
1 Thessalonians 5:22 King James Version (KJV)

22 Abstain from all appearance of evil.

I guess that if I were invited to participate in a yoga class, I would be abstaining, based on this very verse. Now, I'd be happy to invite you all to a stretching class, and we could put on some Christian tunes!
You can come do our style of "yoga"... It usually just involves flopping in one spot pretending to sleep for 10 minutes while mom catches her breath. Also might involve ALOT of stretching to reach for diapers, wipes, the baby as he crawls away.... I've found great exercise in rake lifting and shovel bends lately it seems; every time I want a smoke, I just grab the rake ;) You should see my yard! Then I think...does God have a sense of humor? The wind just picked up and blew it all over again, so I'll have something to do tomorrow, too :p
Poor kids are sick he 102.6 right now
Uh oh, that's no good

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