prayer warriors (following Jesus Christ, everyone welcome)

we need to give thanks that BYC is letting us have this thread and I have eight chicks hatch today.

Were they thinking about kicking us all out of it or something?
You're so lucky.... I need 2 things: 1) a rooster, preferably a buff orp, and 2) My Spyke to go broody and hatch babies for me.
Peter is cool
Peter is a chatterbox
(worse than me I might add
It is getting hard to keep up on here! :D

I'm sorry I posted that in the wrong thread!

Looked like it belonged here to me ;)

Hello fellow prayer warriors. I'd like to ask prayers for my church. We have been searching for a pastor for over a year now and we are down to a vote coming up on march 5th. Please pray that the Holy Spirit will lead the members of the church to make the right decision on this vote. As you know the pastor leads the church and the spiritual lives of all attendees depend on his leadership. Thank you to all.

Absolutely! That's a huge responsibility, prayers for your fellowship to find a true loving shepherd :)

Hi everyone! May I join?

Welcome, nice to meet you!

Wow, lots of good conversations going on!

I wish I had been online...

You and me both, you snooze you lose ha-ha ;)

Prayer requests anybody?

I don't believe I said hi to you yet, so HI :)

no requests at the moment except Gods will to keep being done, and thanks for another day of sunshine and new beginnings :)

we need to give thanks that BYC is letting us have this thread and I have eight chicks hatch today.

And that! What a wonderful opportunity we have to share freely here!

And yay, little fuzzies! Spring is springing :)

Peter is cool

Definitely reminds us that it's OK to make mistakes and use them to grow with; Peter can and does teach us a lot about faith and how easily it can be to waver if we lose sight of our goal.
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:hit not Peter. I liked him :(
to answer why he they fled is Matthew 26:47-56 They didn't flee at first one drew his sword and cut off the ear of the servant of the high priest. Jesus told him to put it away, telling them that if he asked his father he could have twelve legions of angels, but if he did that then how would the scriptures be fulfilled. He was comforting them telling them it's OK this the will of my father I am not going to fight this. They werent cowards they were men obeying their master if they hadn't fled they two would have been arrested. If they hadn't had fled we wouldn't have had the new testament to read since the writers would have died before writing it
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Neither do I...
he does say deny me before man and I will deny you before my father so yes no one wants to deny him. He had Petter make up for it. Lol when he rose again he met them on the shore with fish and asked Peter three time Peter do you love me and Peter would say yes Lord you know that I love you the Jesus replied then feed my sheep. Peter do you love you me yes Lord I love you, then feed my flock, Peter do you love me yes Lord you know I love you then feed I forget what if it's flock or sheep or people. But he had him tell him he lived him three times while telling him what he was to do.
Quote: Even in that... Peter was not giving his all to Jesus. Jesus asked him twice: "Peter, do you agape me?" (God love) Peter responded, "Yes, Lord, I phileo you. (friendship love) The third time, Jesus asked, "Peter, do you phileo me?" Peter responded: “Lord, you know everything; you know that I love you,” (phileo) Peter's growth in his walk of faith was a process, just like ours is.
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to answer why he they fled is Matthew 26:47-56 They didn't flee at first one drew his sword and cut off the ear of the high priest. Jesus told him to put it away, telling them that if he asked his father he could have twelve legions of angels, but if he did that then how would the scriptures be fulfilled. He was comforting them telling them it's OK this the will of my father I am not going to fight this. They were cowards they were men obeying their master if they hadn't fled they two would have been arrested. If they hadn't had fled we wouldn't have had the new testament to read since the writers would have died before writing it

yeah, youre right

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