prayer warriors (following Jesus Christ, everyone welcome)

Scripture exhorts us, "Be angry and do not sin." How is this possible, and what sort of things should we become angry about?

Not only does the Scripture say, "Be angry and do not sin," it also says, "Be slow to anger, for the anger of man does not work the righteousness of God." And the Bible says, "Put away anger and malice." And it says that Jesus—at one point when he was in the synagogue and they were bent out of shape because he was healing someone on the Sabbath—it says he looked around upon them with anger, grieved at their hardness of heart.

Now, maybe that's a clue as to how to be angry and not sin. Because Jesus didn't sin. He never sinned. The Bible says clearly, "He was without sin," in Hebrews 4, for example.

He looked around at them with anger—which wasn't sin—grieved. So it seems to me that perhaps, if we're angry, what we should be angry at is sin.

We shouldn't be angry at clutches that don't work in our car. Jonathan Edwards made a resolution never to get angry at an inanimate object, because ultimately it would be anger against God who is in control in inanimate objects, and they don't have any will to commit an immorality with which to get angry.

So we should get angry with sin, but that anger should be so mingled with heart-sorrows for the people sinning.

I assume the reason Jesus was grieved was because he felt, "These are my people! These are Jewish kinsmen of mine who knew their Old Testament, and they didn't know God! They don't know grace. They don't understand that I don't want sacrifice: I want mercy! They don't get their Bibles. They're on their way to hell. And they're complaining that I'm healing somebody!" And it's breaking his heart and making him angry.

What I'm looking for when I get angry at somebody on the street or whoever is whether or not I am also broken. Am I hurting and longing for them? Do I want them saved? Do I want them changed? Can I be merciful toward them?

And then I think the anger should not be cherished. "Don't go to bed on your anger," the Bible says. Don't take it to bed at night. Do whatever you can to lay it down.

And the way you lay it down is either, if the person is a Christian, you thank God that he died for that, and he takes that sin that they just committed. If the person is not a Christian, it says in Romans 12, "'Vengeance is mine, I will repay, says the Lord' ... If your enemy is hungry, give him something to eat. If he is thirsty, give him something to drink." I lay down vengeance that way by saying, "I don't need to be the judge here. God is going to take care of this."

So every night before you go to bed, you either are putting your anger on the cross over there, or you're putting your anger in hell over there. And you're saying, "I'm not going to bear this. I'm not going to become a bitter, ugly, angry person. I want people to be saved. I don't want them to see me as mean-spirited and vengeful."

That was borrowed from this site...
I have a really stupid request especially compared to the above...

But okay so I saw this turkey on the side of the highway just laying down, like you know how chickens crouch down, like that, not on it's side, and it was holding it's head up. So still alive. And I checked on it a few hours later after it got dark and it was still there. Sooo I just made my mom call animal control like 20 mins ago, 9pm on a Sunday LOL they're closed obviously but I felt so bad that I couldn't not let them know about it.

I'm sure another animal or it's injury will kill it by tomorrow though :(

But so my prayer/request is can you please pray for that NOT to happen. I want it to still be alive for animal control to find it and either save/rehab it or put it out of it's misery tomorrow.


If it has to die and it's suffering too much and it's gonna be in a lot of pain tonight, then it can die but pray for it to be quick and as painless as possible so aka please NOT mauled by a predator :(

But I really really want it animal control to find it alive tomorrow.

I know it's an extreme long shot and slim chance but God can do anything right?

I'm way too soft hearted lol

But I just feel so bad for the poor thing.

It was really warm today but it's supposed to get down to like 30 tonight :/

But it looked pretty healthy besides not moving. But obviously I could only see one side.

But anyway, sorry for the long post and dumb request lol but I just love animals and now I'll probably be worried about it all night. Maybe pray for me to not be and to calm down too.

I will pray for you, Kelsey... It's hard to see that and feel so helpless. Just be at peace knowing that God watches his creation at all times. They have a purpose too, and we can be thankful that he gave them to us to enjoy and care for. :)
I hope everyone has had a good Palm Sunday. Today marks the beginning of our Lord's passion.Today we rejoice in Christ's triumphant entry into Jerusalem. In a week's time, we'll rejoice in His glorious resurrection and His victory over death. I wish everyone a most blessed Holy Week!

I will pray for you, Kelsey... It's hard to see that and feel so helpless. Just be at peace knowing that God watches his creation at all times. They have a purpose too, and we can be thankful that he gave them to us to enjoy and care for. :)

Thanks a lot SG! And that's very true!
Thanks a lot SG! And that's very true!

And I'm really sorry, i have got to start calling you Erika lol sorry :(

I've called you SG for so long i need to retrain myself. Just like with my friend who spells his name Zech but pronounces Zach/Zack and I only recently found out so for the longest time I thought it was pronounced Zeke LOL so in my head when I see it I still say that. I think I can get it right in person though. But yeah, it's hard retraining myself. But that's a bad excuse aha sorry :/

ETA i guess to remove the swear but also why didn't it censor it? I thought it was supposed to? But whatever
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And I'm really sorry, i have got to start calling you Erika lol sorry :(

I've called you SG for so long i need to retrain myself. Just like with my friend who spells his name Zech but pronounces Zach/Zack and I only recently found out so for the longest time I thought it was pronounced Zeke LOL so in my head when I see it I still say that. I think I can get it right in person though. But yeah, it's hard retraining myself. But that's a bad excuse aha sorry :/

Ha, its fine to call me whatever your heart desires; just don't call me "late for dinner" :lau

I don't even know what that means lol... But no worries ;)
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Yesterday's reading... A day late, I'll catch up ;)

This is a lesson covering the last week before the crucifixion. Pause and reflect a little more each day this week.

Day One

The Road

Have you ever found yourself traveling down the road on your way to something you know will be a significant moment in your life? Perhaps you were on your way to your first day of college or to interview for your dream job. Or maybe you were driving to your wedding or speeding to the hospital for the birth of your child. Undoubtedly, this ride is different from your usual trip to the grocery store! Your heart is racing as your mind plays out every possible scenario.

Imagine how Jesus must have felt as He traveled down the road about to enter Jerusalem, knowing that this road ultimately would end in His death. Jesus knew that He’d be betrayed, imprisoned, tortured, and killed, but He also knew that “the hour has come that the Son of Man should be glorified” (John 12:23 NKJV). You see, Jesus was on a mission to tear down the great divide between God and man (2 Corinthians 5:18), to render sin powerless (Romans 6:6), to defeat death (1 Corinthians 15:55), and to set us free (Galatians 5:1). Nothing was going to stop Him from fulfilling His mission to rescue mankind.

In Acts 9, we read about a Pharisee who was also traveling on a road to complete a mission. And just like Jesus, this man believed he was fulfilling God’s work. But unlike Jesus, he had no idea where this road would lead him. His name was Saul of Tarsus, a man known for persecuting believers, for “breathing threats and murder against the disciples of the Lord” (Acts 9:1 NKJV). His mission? To arrest Christ followers and bring them to Jerusalem for trial (9:2), which essentially guaranteed they’d be stoned unless they denied their faith.

But on this road, Saul came face-to-face with Jesus, the very One whose followers Saul was persecuting! And in the midst of their encounter, the zealous Pharisee, who was no doubt humbled by the sight of the Light of the world, was given a new name (Paul, which means humble) and a new mission.

What road are you on today? Where has your journey taken you? Sometimes, life takes us down a dark road, and we wake up one day wondering how we got this far. But the good news is that Jesus traveled the road we never could and “for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross” (Hebrews 12:2 NKJV). And because of this, no matter what road we’re on or where our ride has left us, Jesus will be there to meet us and shine His light on us!

For the Kids

“Are we there yet?” Have you ever been in the car on a long trip to somewhere special and asked your parents that question? The thought of arriving was driving you nuts! Maybe you were on your way to Disney World or to meet your new little brother or sister at the hospital.

Today, we celebrate a special day called Palm Sunday. On this day, over 2,000 years ago, Jesus rode into Jerusalem on a donkey. This day is important because Jesus knew seven days later He would die for the forgiveness of our sins. Can you imagine how Jesus must have felt as he traveled down that road? But nothing was going to stop Jesus. He loves us so much that he completed His mission to save us, so that we could invite Him into our hearts and spend eternity with Him in heaven.

Reflecting on the Promise
In Zechariah 9:9–10, it was foretold that the King of the Jews would ride into the holy city in the humblest of ways . . . on a colt, a young male donkey. In Matthew 21, Jesus, the humble Servant King, fulfills this prophecy as He enters Jerusalem for the Passover festivities, days before becoming the Passover Lamb.

Take time today to reflect on the humility of our Savior and what you can do to embody that same servant heartedness.

Verses applied:

Rejoice greatly, O daughter of Zion! Shout aloud, O daughter of Jerusalem! Behold, your king is coming to you; righteous and having salvation is he, humble and mounted on a donkey, on a colt, the foal of a donkey. I will cut off the chariot from Ephraim and the war horse from Jerusalem; and the battle bow shall be cut off, and he shall speak peace to the nations; his rule shall be from sea to sea, and from the River to the ends of the earth.
Zechariah 9:9‭-‬10 ESV
But that's a ****** excuse aha sorry
Do you think, as a christian, you should be talking like this? Many people read this thread, and what will they think if they see people who call themselves christians speaking like this? What does that do to our testimony? We are supposed to be salt and light, not the same as everyone else.

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