prayer warriors (following Jesus Christ, everyone welcome)

Do you think, as a christian, you should be talking like this? Many people read this thread, and what will they think if they see people who call themselves christians speaking like this? What does that do to our testimony? We are supposed to be salt and light, not the same as everyone else.

I appreciate what you're trying to say and you're right but I really don't need a lecture, thanks....

I know I'm not supposed to be talking like that and I do swear a lot. But I'm working on it and am trying to swear less and work on it.

So no, I don't think Christians should talk like that and I'm already working on it

I just made a mistake in the heat of the moment typing that cause I felt bad always calling her the wrong thing and wasn't really thinking. Gee
Im not tryin to give a lecture, Im just pointing out something. Theres always the edit button for these things. I just want everybody who reads this thread to see we are real christians, otherwise there is no point in giving them the gospel and such. Our testimony is worthless if we are no different than the unsaved.
Well then sorry, it sounded that way to me, almost like derogatory/looking/judging or something but I'm sure that's probably just me overreacting or being over defensive or something.

And hmmm, I do see what you're saying and we should obviously strive to not swear and sin, etc. But at the same time I somewhat disagree, if that's the right word, in that I think you can still make an impact even if you're not 100% perfect yet. You don't just get there overnight. So I don't think that only people who are there can make an impact. That said, I do think that you're right and that we need to strive to get there, we can't just say whatever I'll just act like them, maybe that's what you're saying. But if someone's trying then I don't think their testimony is worthless. All that said, I definitely am not really trying that hard and am probably further away than I should be atm :/

And i didn't think of editing it, i guess I'll go back and do that.

But also, I'm not saying my post was right, but one bad post out of all the other love and true Christians here, I don't think people are going to notice.

But I will go edit it.
But also, I want to say/ask what about the people that claim to be Christians but are jerks? Or run around telling everyone they're going to Hell for not following Jesus rather than spreading love first? I think that turns a lot of people away too, maybe more.

And NO, I am not talking about you even though it maybe seems like I could be, I'm not. I don't think you're a jerk, we just had a simple misunderstanding. I am referring to this person I saw yesterday though.
Well then sorry, it sounded that way to me, almost like derogatory/looking/judging or something but I'm sure that's probably just me overreacting or being over defensive or something.

And hmmm, I do see what you're saying and we should obviously strive to not swear and sin, etc. But at the same time I somewhat disagree, if that's the right word, in that I think you can still make an impact even if you're not 100% perfect yet. You don't just get there overnight. So I don't think that only people who are there can make an impact. That said, I do think that you're right and that we need to strive to get there, we can't just say whatever I'll just act like them, maybe that's what you're saying. But if someone's trying then I don't think their testimony is worthless. All that said, I definitely am not really trying that hard and am probably further away than I should be atm
Sorry it may have come across that way. Not how I intended it at all

I do agree with that too.
You just have to keep trying and other christians will try to help, ok?
But also, I want to say/ask what about the people that claim to be Christians but are jerks? Or run around telling everyone they're going to Hell for not following Jesus rather than spreading love first? I think that turns a lot of people away too, maybe more.

And NO, I am not talking about you even though it maybe seems like I could be, I'm not. I don't think you're a jerk, we just had a simple misunderstanding. I am referring to this person I saw yesterday though.
Claim is the key word there I think. Also spreading love, yes, spread love, but remember loving the sinner and accepting the sin are two different things.
Those people would need just the same thing. Loving chastisement from true believers. The rest is up to God
Claim is the key word there I think. Also spreading love, yes, spread love, but remember loving the sinner and accepting the sin are two different things.
Those people would need just the same thing. Loving chastisement from true believers. The rest is up to God 

Oh yeah, I wasn't saying to just accept it, like how you and SG point out my swearing, and we all point put each other's things, etc. But that's because I'm already a believer and then we can help each other. To recruit new people, I really don't think being a jerk is the way to do it. Although I guess it mighr bring in a few people who may be terrified aha but love will bring more people in. And then AFTER you bring them in and have them hooked (so not the first second theyre interested) then maybe start bringing up changing or whatever.

But the people I saw yesterday were idk, maybe extremists or something. Now, maybe that's judging, which is wrong too, and he could be a nice person, but that does kinda prove my point that it leads people, non Christians, to judge or think what a jerk and avoid talking to them, than otherwise. But maybe not, maybe I'm wrong. But here goes.

They had this big like 12 or 15 passenger type van, greenish, with stickers all over it, 2 on the side, one said like "Got Jesus?" Or something, okay fine, another said maybe something like "Jesus saves from Hell or something" and then they came out and the back door had some sticker with a Bible verse, something about Hell, and the other side of the van had stickers too. That's all fine, whatever, they love Jesus, except maybe the Hell verses are a tad much.

But the guy had on this black T shirt with big flames coming up from the bottom and taking up a lot of the shirt and it said something like Jesus saves from HELL and the back of the shirt had the same flames and said like Repent or perish or something to that extent. And the women in a long skirt/dress & sweatshirt? Sweater? and little kids all dressed up.

Now don't get me wrong, I don't have a problem with the women being more covered up it the kids being dressed up, if they want to do that it's fine and I respect their opinion, and even a lot of you guys cover up, it's fine.

And I mean, it is nice they're so into their religion, and I mean, he's not wrong, there is Hell and all that.

But having it plastered all over the van and going into Walmart with a T shirt like that is a little like tacky? Idk.

And like I said before, I do NOT think going up to random strangers telling them they're going to burn in Hell is the way to go.

Get them into Jesus and wanting to believe and then try to change them.

Or maybe I'm wrong idk.

And like I said, I know judging is bad too, but if I, or any non Christians, saw those people, they would likely give them a very wide berth and/or think "what a jerk" (or use harsher words) and lose all interest. Whichis obviously bad.

Maybe I'm the jerk here, idk.

What are all your thoughts on these people and WBB (I'm not comparing them to them, just providing another example/group to talk about), etc.????
Also if you travel in a van or have stickers on it or cover up, dress your kids up, anything like that, I apologize, I was not trying to offend and I have nothing wrong with it, I have more of a problem with/am asking about the T shirt and provided the other info for a full picture of what I saw

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