prayer warriors (following Jesus Christ, everyone welcome)

Quote: What they all said.

Such joy, such pleasure in seeing and hearing the waves crashing on the beach. Feeling the cold salt spray on your face, the power of the waves as they rush in and suck the sand out from beneath your feet. The cool breeze, even on the hottest of days, the intricate design in a sea shell. God created all of that for our pleasure, and He delights in watching us delight in his gifts to us, much the same as we delight in watching a child as he discovers new pleasures in his world.

The pleasure of watching a rooster as he eagerly searches out tidbits for his hens, and calls them to partake of his gifts, watching a chick dancing inside a warm egg when you candle it. Watching a hen, who hatched from an egg in a far away hatchery. (she was then tucked inside a box, shipped across the country to some feed store, eventually ending up in your back yard flock.) That hen has never been nurtured by a mother. Yet, she knows how to incubate her eggs, and she knows how to tend her chicks, and defend them from any predators who would seek to harm them.

The sheer pleasure of inspecting the garden daily, and seeing what new sprouts have emerged from the soil. The miraculous power in a pinch of seeds. Such a tiny little amount of seed in your hand is capable of producing enough veggies to feed a dozen families. He created it all for our pleasure. When we realize that, and acknowledge where it came from, and give thanks for all of it, we are worshiping the God of the universe.
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