prayer warriors (following Jesus Christ, everyone welcome)


He Walked On Water Lyrics

Wore starched white shirts buttoned at the neck
And he'd sit in the shade and watch the chickens peck
And his teeth were gone, but what the heck
I thought that he walked on water

Said he was a cowboy when he was young
He could handle a rope and he was good with a gun
And my mama's daddy was his oldest son
And I thought that he walked on water

If the story was told, only heaven knows
But his hat seemed to me like an old halo
And though his wings, they were never seen
I thought that he walked on water

Then he tied a cord to the end of a mop
And said, "Son, here's a pony, keep her at a trot"
And I'd ride in circles while he laughed allot
Then I'd flop down beside him

And he was ninety years old in sixty-three
And I loved him and he loved me
And Lord, I cried the day he died
'Cause I thought that he walked on water

If the story was told, only Heaven knows
But his hat seemed to me like an old halo
And though his wings, they were never seen
I thought that he walked on water
I thought that he walked on water

Lyrics found <a href="">here</a>
I think I could use you guy's help/prayers. I was about to not say why again and make another one of those ridiculous "pray for nothing" requests but I decided/figured, how could you pray without knowing what to pray about haha so 1. My family. That one that really is all I am going to say on that. And 2. I get so angry a lot and also so fast, I can go from like 0 to 60 so fast hah but also just stressed out. I know it's not an excuse for anger but I get really really stressed or annoyed and then I snap and get into a rage and start swearing and yelling at people and storm out. And sometimes use His name. I know. :hit so maybe focus on whatever's causing the stress too. And I can yell at the animals too. I just get nasty. But of course it's not just me but ya. And then I eat bad food
I think I could use you guy's help/prayers. I was about to not say why again and make another one of those ridiculous "pray for nothing" requests but I decided/figured, how could you pray without knowing what to pray about haha so 1. My family. That one that really is all I am going to say on that. And 2. I get so angry a lot and also so fast, I can go from like 0 to 60 so fast hah but also just stressed out. I know it's not an excuse for anger but I get really really stressed or annoyed and then I snap and get into a rage and start swearing and yelling at people and storm out. And sometimes use His name. I know. :hit so maybe focus on whatever's causing the stress too. And I can yell at the animals too. I just get nasty. But of course it's not just me but ya. And then I eat bad food

I think I could use you guy's help/prayers. I was about to not say why again and make another one of those ridiculous "pray for nothing" requests but I decided/figured, how could you pray without knowing what to pray about haha so 1. My family. That one that really is all I am going to say on that. And 2. I get so angry a lot and also so fast, I can go from like 0 to 60 so fast hah but also just stressed out. I know it's not an excuse for anger but I get really really stressed or annoyed and then I snap and get into a rage and start swearing and yelling at people and storm out. And sometimes use His name. I know. :hit so maybe focus on whatever's causing the stress too. And I can yell at the animals too. I just get nasty. But of course it's not just me but ya. And then I eat bad food

These are symptoms that you are showing. What is the cause at the root?

For me it was a hint of bi polar (being treated as depression). Now with that treated PROPERLY, I can adjust as needed and maintain MY serenity.... through practice and maturity (growing, lots and lots of PAINFUL growing). I cannot control those around me or what happens. Only how I react to what happens. I refuse to let the world or a situation control me. I will not bow down except to the One True God! And even THAT takes practice. :oops:

I guess it's true I WASN'T born with an obedient heart! :smack It just seemed like it in COMPARISON to someone else's. I'm constantly looking around the plank in my own eye. No wonder God hasn't called me home yet. He's still got a work to complete!

Philipians 4:6-7 Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.

These are symptoms that you are showing. What is the cause at the root?

For me it was a hint of bi polar (being treated as depression). Now with that treated PROPERLY, I can adjust as needed and maintain MY serenity.... through practice and maturity (growing, lots and lots of PAINFUL growing). I cannot control those around me or what happens. Only how I react to what happens. I refuse to let the world or a situation control me. I will not bow down except to the One True God! And even THAT takes practice. :oops:

I guess it's true I WASN'T born with an obedient heart! :smack It just seemed like it in COMPARISON to someone else's. I'm constantly looking around the plank in my own eye. No wonder God hasn't called me home yet. He's still got a work to complete!

Philipians 4:6-7 Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.

Thanks, this is helpful, but maybe I'm crazy, idk, but I'm pretty sure I'm not bipolar. And I think I worded it wrong. It's maybe not really stress per se. Or at least not like random. Like I don't get stressed over something completely random and then be a jerk for no reason, although I'm sure I probably do sometimes and when I'm hungry or thirsty haha. It's more a direct reaction. Like I tend to get in the middle of fights or whatever then react haha and idk, I think it's normal/human to react to stuff? I just need to work on controlling it. Although I will say sometimes I do overreact and freak out where it's not really necessary but it usually starts with someone being rude. But it's also only with family haha wouldn't I not be able to control it at all if it was that?

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