prayer warriors (following Jesus Christ, everyone welcome)

Well, the JW's were back to share scripture with me today..

So I asked when it said in the beginning was the Word and the Word was God... and let US make man in our image, who it meant... she told me Jesus and God. I said Jesus is the Son of God but Jesus is ALSO God, it says if you've seen me you seen the Father, the Father and I are 1...

She told me Jesus was A God but not God. And she will prove it to me using scripture.... This after she read me scripture that says do not be led astray. :lol:

Today's verses went on and on about how we will inhabit the Earth forever when the new heaven and earth are made.

She told me her husband is dying and I replied we all are, ain't none of us getting out of here without doing so. But she said well the end is close and Armageddon will see many risen with a chance to serve the Lord (talking about those who passed before Jesus death and resurrection), which might happen before our passing.

But we did identify one KEY difference... I BELIEVE Jesus IS God! :woot
It may have killed a little bit of my faith in my fellow humans, but it bolstered my faith in God. He really does know what he's doing :D
I have had my worldly connections (including family) severed. My connection with the Lord has become that much stronger. As much as it hurt, what a blessing!

Romans 12:2 And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.

John 15:19 If you belonged to the world, it would love you as its own. As it is, you do not belong to the world, but I have chosen you out of the world. That is why the world hates you.

Good to see your beaming personality lighting up this and other threads again! :hugs :bun
I had to share this reading from this morning... It fits with what I was feeling for a bit there; and with the truth of the situation, it was only how I FELT, the truth was bigger than my meager human emotions ;) enjoy and have a blessed day!

"When God Doesn't Seem Good"

It was a vacation I desperately needed. I really, really needed to relax, unwind, and recover.

We made it to our destination and I was so thankful that we had stayed healthy and arrived to enjoy our vacation. I thanked God for his goodness and took a deep sigh of relief!

The next morning my daughter woke up extremely sick. Two days later, I came down with it as well.

I felt angry and confused at why God would allow this. Didn’t he care?

We will all face these moments in our lives, when everything we can see tells us that God is not good to us. At those moments, whether we realize it or not, we ask ourselves this question: Do we believe God is good by what we see or do we believe God is good because of who he is?

As I lay on the couch on vacation, feeling miserable while my family enjoyed the beach, I had two options. I could walk by sight and allow what I couldn’t understand to simmer into a rolling boil of anger toward the Lord, or I could choose to walk by faith by reminding myself that God’s ways are higher than my ways, and that he is trustworthy and good, even when I can’t make sense of my circumstances.

Friend, this life is filled with circumstances that will leave us questioning or even denying God’s goodness if we live by what we see, rather than by faith in what God has promised. The choice we face is a daily one. We can choose to either trust what we see and define what’s good for us ourselves, and grow annoyed with God and doubt his goodness, or we can live by faith in a crucified Savior and let him define what’s good for us, even if it means exercising our faith muscles as we choose to trust him over what we can see and feel.

So let’s come to Christ with our doubts and weaknesses and ask him to give us the faith to take our eyes away from what we can see in front of us and lift our eyes again to the cross—because that is where we will find assurance and confidence in the undeserving goodness and faithfulness of our heavenly Father. Is God good? Yes. He died for you.
I had to share this reading from this morning... It fits with what I was feeling for a bit there; and with the truth of the situation, it was only how I FELT, the truth was bigger than my meager human emotions ;) enjoy and have a blessed day!

"When God Doesn't Seem Good"

It was a vacation I desperately needed. I really, really needed to relax, unwind, and recover.

We made it to our destination and I was so thankful that we had stayed healthy and arrived to enjoy our vacation. I thanked God for his goodness and took a deep sigh of relief!

The next morning my daughter woke up extremely sick. Two days later, I came down with it as well.

I felt angry and confused at why God would allow this. Didn’t he care?

We will all face these moments in our lives, when everything we can see tells us that God is not good to us. At those moments, whether we realize it or not, we ask ourselves this question: Do we believe God is good by what we see or do we believe God is good because of who he is?

As I lay on the couch on vacation, feeling miserable while my family enjoyed the beach, I had two options. I could walk by sight and allow what I couldn’t understand to simmer into a rolling boil of anger toward the Lord, or I could choose to walk by faith by reminding myself that God’s ways are higher than my ways, and that he is trustworthy and good, even when I can’t make sense of my circumstances.

Friend, this life is filled with circumstances that will leave us questioning or even denying God’s goodness if we live by what we see, rather than by faith in what God has promised. The choice we face is a daily one. We can choose to either trust what we see and define what’s good for us ourselves, and grow annoyed with God and doubt his goodness, or we can live by faith in a crucified Savior and let him define what’s good for us, even if it means exercising our faith muscles as we choose to trust him over what we can see and feel.

So let’s come to Christ with our doubts and weaknesses and ask him to give us the faith to take our eyes away from what we can see in front of us and lift our eyes again to the cross—because that is where we will find assurance and confidence in the undeserving goodness and faithfulness of our heavenly Father. Is God good? Yes. He died for you.

Love both of these

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