prayer warriors (following Jesus Christ, everyone welcome)

I have an odd question... If a person believes that they will lose their salvation by going to a church that has different views, like, say, a piano or a cross on the building,.... Lol I don't know how to put this into words at the moment, sorry ...... how do we help them rely more on Jesus and not on "traditions" or whatnot?

Yes, I'm still stuck in a division between what I would consider "legalism" and faith. I get called an "unbeliever" because the church I attend has music and crosses and Sunday school... I know we all have different preferences as far as musical taste or fellowship, but isn't it kind of silly to think that they can lose their salvation from something as menial as singing hymns along with a piano?

It's early, no coffee yet, sorry if that was confusing :p
SG. Always scripture. Does the Bible ANYWHERE state that salvation is dependent upon such outward appearances? Upon what are we to base our salvation?

Jesus Christ, the Son of the triune One God, born of a virgin by the Holy Spirit. Lived the life of a man, while still being God, completely without sin, died on the cross, the perfect sacrifice for the sins of all mankind, past, present, and future, to reconcile man to God. This salvation is a free gift to all who would believe, repent, and accept.

No where does the scripture say that we shall not play a piano as we worship our God. No where does the scripture say that we shall not have a cross in our church, in front of our church, or wear one upon our neck, or upon our T-shirt. And, why would someone take exception to a Sunday School program? How can it be wrong to teach children about Jesus and the way of salvation? How can it be wrong, especially if some of those children come from families that don't even know Jesus???

And, how bout the fish or the bumper sticker with scripture on the car? Does that make me more spiritual than the neighbor who has a Patriots sticker on his car? Or If I don't have a fish, does that mean that I am ashamed of my faith?

There's a couple at our church. She once shared that she grew up in a small town. There were 2 churches, both of which were Bible and Jesus based. Both churches enjoyed recreational fellowship. Swimming and bowling were 2 favorites. In one church, co-ed bowling was strictly forbidden. But, they'd often have summer picnics and ALL go swimming at the lake. The other church considered that co-ed swimming was taboo. But, they had co-ed bowling leagues!

Simply smile, go back to scripture, have it memorized, and use it as necessary. Also, realize that you may NEVER be able to convince someone that they are wrong. What you need to do is be so convinced in your own mind, that there is no room for argument. There comes a time when you just have to agree to disagree, and move forward.
SG. Always scripture. Does the Bible ANYWHERE state that salvation is dependent upon such outward appearances? Upon what are we to base our salvation?

Jesus Christ, the Son of the triune One God, born of a virgin by the Holy Spirit. Lived the life of a man, while still being God, completely without sin, died on the cross, the perfect sacrifice for the sins of all mankind, past, present, and future, to reconcile man to God. This salvation is a free gift to all who would believe, repent, and accept.

No where does the scripture say that we shall not play a piano as we worship our God. No where does the scripture say that we shall not have a cross in our church, in front of our church, or wear one upon our neck, or upon our T-shirt. And, why would someone take exception to a Sunday School program? How can it be wrong to teach children about Jesus and the way of salvation? How can it be wrong, especially if some of those children come from families that don't even know Jesus???

And, how bout the fish or the bumper sticker with scripture on the car? Does that make me more spiritual than the neighbor who has a Patriots sticker on his car? Or If I don't have a fish, does that mean that I am ashamed of my faith?

There's a couple at our church. She once shared that she grew up in a small town. There were 2 churches, both of which were Bible and Jesus based. Both churches enjoyed recreational fellowship. Swimming and bowling were 2 favorites. In one church, co-ed bowling was strictly forbidden. But, they'd often have summer picnics and ALL go swimming at the lake. The other church considered that co-ed swimming was taboo. But, they had co-ed bowling leagues!

Simply smile, go back to scripture, have it memorized, and use it as necessary. Also, realize that you may NEVER be able to convince someone that they are wrong. What you need to do is be so convinced in your own mind, that there is no room for argument. There comes a time when you just have to agree to disagree, and move forward.

Thanks LG... I know, I know lol.. it's been a long strange year for us ;) I had finally decided to quit trying to "coerce" the truth and decided to just live it and see where that would lead instead. I know I'm never going to MAKE someone believe, but it's just so sad to me. To know the truth, but be so scared to lose it makes me wonder if there's any salvation in that case anyway :( I just don't see it as faith, I see is as slavery still. I know we all have our places and times that God has mapped out for us, and I'm always praying about it, so I know it'll eventually come together. I admit I'm not the most patient person so maybe it's just a challenge that I need to go through in order to grow; same with the other person.

But yeah, ha, I know what you're saying. I've tried to figure out where alot of these ideas come from, and based on the scriptures that they focus on, I can see a bit of misinterpretation, and a whole lot of "adding to the scriptures". I also find it strange that although pianos are forbidden at church, it seems that home life includes pianos, guitars, and heavy metal rock bands in the CD collection, and I'm just confused more.

If we act one way at church then it should be the same at home, I think. It's Christmas. It's always a hard time around this division during the holidays. My "vain tradition" versus the belief that it's some pagan celebration and children are stuck in the middle, so I focus on them. Making sure they study their Bibles and enjoy being prepared to serve the Lord, whether they have to face a little persecution from others themselves. We go to the school program that has santa and reindeer songs, but not going into a church that has a baby Jesus in a manger. Totally backwards to me.

Of course, this is all just MY opinion, based in MY faith. I can't judge another's heart. I don't know what God has planned. I'm just along for the ride I suppose ;) It's been an amazing one so far and I find myself hoping most of the bumps have been worked out in my own tiny faith that it's grown enough for me to withstand pretty much anything. I know God has my life in His hands, so I trust Him with it. I just pray that others can come to trust Him as well.

These verses need to be woven into the very fiber of my being, that's for sure...

Likewise, wives, be subject to your own husbands, so that even if some do not obey the word, they may be won without a word by the conduct of their wives, when they see your respectful and pure conduct. Do not let your adorning be external—the braiding of hair and the putting on of gold jewelry, or the clothing you wear— but let your adorning be the hidden person of the heart with the imperishable beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which in God's sight is very precious. For this is how the holy women who hoped in God used to adorn themselves, by submitting to their own husbands, as Sarah obeyed Abraham, calling him Lord. And you are her children, if you do good and do not fear anything that is frightening.
1 Peter 3:1‭-‬6 ESV

For how do you know, wife, whether you will save your husband? Or how do you know, husband, whether you will save your wife? Only let each person lead the life that the Lord has assigned to him, and to which God has called him. This is my rule in all the churches.
1 Corinthians 7:16‭-‬17 ESV
I feel like in that case it kind of sounds like they are just picking and choosing what they want to believe and what they think it says etc. And pretending to be strict but then they want to live how they want to instead of how God wants them too. Stuff like that is stupid and hypocritical imo, which is worse than a piano in church, but I'm not sure you'll ever change them. I mean. There's a bazillion verses that talk about hypocrisy and that sort of thing but not any I can think of that say pianos are forbidden. Actually, there's a lot that talk about and even encourage using music to worship so that just doesn't even make sense.... oh well, I suppose. I hope you get it all worked out or to a point where you can at least agree to disagree and not argue about it
Btw can you guys please pray for me. I have an essay that was due last week but I didn't finish it so now I'm going to hand it in tomorrow except I've barely done anything on it. I meant to hand it in Wednesday but I didn't really have the time cause of other classes, I just said that cause I wanted to get it in asap, then I was gonna hand it in Friday but I didn't. And also Thursday was the only day I didn't have class so I had plenty of time plus all weekend. Plus before it was die, we had 2 weeks. ANYWAY. I know it's really really bad but so now it's due tomorrow at 6pm and I have like barely even started and I'm scared it's not going to get done. AND. I wanted to do it tonight but somehow wasted hours AGAIN. And now it's 4:30am. I wanted to go to sleep by 1 or 2, or earlier, so I could get up early and work on it all morning and afternoon but now at this rate I'm probably not going to be up till 11 or noon (you don't have to ask about changing that, I am sick and need the sleep) but now I'm really scared that I won't get it done because that is not that much time and it's gonna be rushed. Although I think if I actually work it's barely enough time but if I do my usual dallying around and wasting hours before starting then I won't so can you please pray that I can finish it in time and that I start right away and don't procrastinate and that I sleep tonight. And also please don't let me lose too many points. Theoretically according to the syllabus I should lose a ton with as many days late as it is and I know I deserve it but the grade would be REALLY low so please pray or hope it won't be quite that low. And also, idk, I do have this REALLY bad habit of procrastinating but I ALSO have this thing where once I don't turn something in or do something within a reasonable amount of time not just school stuff, then I just won't do it, which is what I think I was doing here except it just doesn't work cause I ACTUALLY have to do this. And yeah. Anyway, I know I should just sleep and I should have done this sooner but I'm really stressing and freaking out and I just don't see how there's any way I could possibly have it done in time but she only takes it a week late so it HAS to be done so please just pray cause I really need it and yes it's my own fault and next essay I will try to do on time but I am just really freaking out right now.

Speaking of which, can you please pray about that too.

I've been really stressed lately (yes, mostly my own doing but still. Some not.) And just. yeah.

Please pray there

And I've also been staying up way too late and also thinking stuff too.

And I realize it's probably all related: the stress, the procrastinating, the no sleep, the diet, the thoughts, but still. Can't really handle it and yeah I know I've said it a lot but please pray.

I'm hoping after I get this done that I will start sleeping again but idk.

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