prayer warriors (following Jesus Christ, everyone welcome)

That's good you can at least respect each other and opinions and mot argue about it

And I guess that makes sense but then you could argue anything is our invention. Cars, books, school, stores, clothes, etc. I mean, are we just supposed to live in the woods with no clothes? I don't think so. I think it's a line.

Also I don't think that you are or that it is. And maybe I'm wrong but I think God would want us to be happy instead of stressing over every tiny thing and living in a constant state of stress but idk. Of course I'm not saying to just go drink and sleep around and stuff like that but as long as you're reading the Bible and/or going to church, and helping people, and living a good and wholesome life, and stuff like that, I think that's what's important. And of course a few more things that I can't think of atm, there's a bit more to it, but basically yeah. But I might be wrong.

It's also human nature and we have to work on it. At least some of it. But again I don't think we should just live in a bubble in our room

But of course we do have to be careful about some stuff. Idk. I hope I am making sense.

And thank you. I did do it but not till like 3 hours before and actually technically I didn't really really start and get going till like an hour before and then I was an hour late to class.

But I did get the test back which I got a 97 on.

I think I take for granted that I'm relatively smart and usually get good grades and the teacher I've had a lot gives most people A's/minimal work, so now taking one that has work it's an adjustment but it's not hard by any means. I just need to be a better student lol

Anyway, I hate to keep asking for this because I suppose I'm being somewhat selfish and should be praying for other people and maybe I am the one focusing on myself too much but.......

Can you guys please pray for me again?

But for a completely different reason this time......

My family too.


Absolutely, Kelsey, you and your family are in my prayers..

You know, that ease of learning g you have is a gift; use it wisely, don't squander it ;) lol OK mommy speech over...

As far as cars and stores, etc.... I think that's a "Western" view, that is, American. If I took you on a trip to say..Morocco, we would see people that live in tents, possibly even caves, herding flocks of goats and eating the same thing day in and out. No McDonald's, no malls, no cars, no tv. There are followers of Christ there, too. Just because we have the LUXURY of cars and lots of clothes does not mean that we need them. Clothes are required in most areas, yea lol, but not masses of them. Our only requirements to survive a life in flesh is sustenance to sustain our earthly vessel, water, and air to breathe. If we live somewhere warm, we don't even really need a house, a tent can suffice. It's dividing what we truly need to just survive versus what we want to live more comfortably.

Jesus had no place to lay his head. Paul was constantly moving around at the disposal of others, and even in prison he was content with just the security of life in heaven with Jesus.

That's where all our "stress" comes from, our wants not being fulfilled. It leads us to work more, harder, faster, to get paid to afford to live "comfortably". We have wants other than our needs. If we are in Christ, our needs are already fulfilled. Eternal life!
All these came on shuffle at once (well, in a row) lol I really need to remind myself of all of this. Some of them spoke to me more than others but love them all and figured I'd share all. And I've heard them all before, love them all, and had them in a playlist it shuffled from so it wasn't really completely random but still.

Anyway, figured maybe somebody else could use it too

All these came on shuffle at once (well, in a row) lol I really need to remind myself of all of this. Some of them spoke to me more than others but love them all and figured I'd share all. And I've heard them all before, love them all, and had them in a playlist it shuffled from so it wasn't really completely random but still.

Anyway, figured maybe somebody else could use it too

Thanks for posting.... I really needed these today.
Have we accomplished the task described in this verse?

Matthew 24 NAS
14 This gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all the nations, and then the end will come.

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