prayer warriors (following Jesus Christ, everyone welcome)

Good question, Ocap. I've often wondered that myself. Question back at you! So, assuming that the gospel has been preached to the whole world, does that mean that it will be preached to every person in the whole world? B/C, the birth rate would make that nigh unto impossible, though we know that with God, all things are possible. But, let's assume that every person in every nation has had the opportunity to accept or reject Jesus. Does this verse say that at that moment, the end will come? Or is this verse saying that the condition must be fulfilled before the end can come, meaning that the end can come at any time after the fulfilling of the condition????

I believe there are still groups and languages who have not yet heard the gospel. BUT, I've also heard that to any one who seeks God, He will provide a way for the gospel to be presented.
Good Questions back at me !!!
One interesting slant is a news item I heard this year ... one of the big "Tech" companies is creating an internet connection that will be "Drone" mounted and will enable everyone on earth to connect to our conversations about Jesus. What happens when we "Google" Jesus name? Does this prayer thread appear in the "search"?
Does this mean that at that moment?
I think that this verse is speaking about one item (condition) that needs to be completed not the only item. I like to look at the conditions at the time of Noah when he was told to build the ark, are we as a world without hope of "being good", can the Christians give our non-Christian friends reasons for our hope. Are we "fishers of men"? Are there no more humans that will choose to accept Jesus death in their behalf?

how does this conversation balance with this verse in Romans?

Romans 1:18-20 NAS

18 For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men who suppress the truth in unrighteousness, 19 because that which is known about God is evident within them; for God made it evident to them. 20 For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes, His eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly seen, being understood through what has been made, so that they are without excuse.
Ocap, I am in agreement, that hearing the message is one of the conditions that must be met, not that "at that instant", the end of the age will be. We are living in a truly dark age. A friend posted this interview today, and it has left me shaken to my core. What have we come to? Human beings who choose to kill rather than to care for the weak, young, old, sick... the very people who we as individuals and a society are commanded to care for????

Take nothing for granted in this evil world. This is the new holocaust. It is sneaky, reaching into society one country at a time. It is already here in the united states, and we are seeing rationed health care as a part of it. People are silenced in the face of such evil, b/c... "it doesn't affect me or my family." Don't be so sure.
I watched the video, I am not surprised, we have been killing humans in our "entertainment" and putting a disclaimer at the end "no animals were harmed in the making of this film". Our nation is in a moral decay, God's moral laws have been exchanged for government's moral/immoral hypocrisy. Ravi Zacharias wrote about what we humans do with our guilty conscience in his book "Cries of the Heart", pretend God does not exist so our government can claim to have a "moral compass". My mother-in-law was given 12 or 13 days of intensive care in the hospital then when medicare no longer paid she was moved out of that care to the end of the hospital's hall to die, that was about 18 years ago, just one form of our government's method of euthanasia.
I'm asking for prayers for my family and loved ones to endure and God to comfort us as we lost a family member to suicide. Please pray for us to do God's will through this. I'm not sure what His plan is, but we need all the help we can get. Thank you all and make sure to make that phone call, stop for a visit, always be there to reach out to. Keep your loved ones in your hearts and prayers, we never know when they're silently struggling and need to hear a kind word of hope.

This is one more person we don't have the chance to show the gospel to anymore.
I'm asking for prayers for my family and loved ones to endure and God to comfort us as we lost a family member to suicide. Please pray for us to do God's will through this. I'm not sure what His plan is, but we need all the help we can get. Thank you all and make sure to make that phone call, stop for a visit, always be there to reach out to. Keep your loved ones in your hearts and prayers, we never know when they're silently struggling and need to hear a kind word of hope.

This is one more person we don't have the chance to show the gospel to anymore.
I am praying for you and your family.
I also know the pain of having a friend commit suicide.
I live the pain again every time I hear of someone ending their life.
The video that LG posted yesterday is partly discussing this topic, as Europe is facing government approved suicide (Doctor assisted) as well as other forms of euthanasia.

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