prayer warriors (following Jesus Christ, everyone welcome)

Off topic, I am so mad and freaked out right now. We have had these two mutts for almost four years or so we had to put one down about a week ago for running across the way growling (with my husband and his daddy trying to stop him) went after a four year old biting at the kids legs the kid didn't have a mark but wasn't the point. And now we have to put down the other. My daughter was laying next to him she tried to get him up by pushing on him and (he always let the kids do whatever to him jump on him rid him ect) bit her. He put his mouth over her eyes with her whole head in his mouth.... She fine I am so freaking upset right now I know how it could have gone my four year old doesn't.
Wow that's awful, I'm sorry! :(

And obviously putting her whole head in his mouth is a pretty aggressive move as opposed to just biting a hand or arm and releasing (which would still be bad but not the point atm) so it's probably better but if they normally let them do whatever, is it possible it's simply medical or neurological or something? Seems odd he'd all of a sudden attack. But of course it does happen.

And I'm curious why you are putting both down as opposed to rehoming them? This one I can see, that's a really aggressive move, but the first one almost seems like herding behavior? Is he part herding dog?

But of course you know the dogs best and sorry this happened. :(
The other is actually was aggressive almost feral he been that way. And yes its extremely odd on doser but he been having strokes so it probably is neulogical but if its not I would feel responsible if we rehomed him and he bit a child to where it was much worse. And no they have hunting dog in them no herding. It haf progressed with blue to a point where he would let adults pet him but once they turned around he would bite them. This one it's alot different Lucy would take her naps laying on him when she was one and two so I find this beyond disturbing. I can't trust him regardless what caused it.
So very sorry JF. Yes, you are making the right decision. Any dog who does not keep his teeth in his mouth needs to go, especially when children are involved.

Ocap, thanks for the brain challenge. Beautiful song, and like so many, they COULD be hymns, except where they move away from placing Jesus in complete control as Lord and Savior.

You needed me. Jesus DOES NOT NEED ME! I NEED HIM. Without Jesus, I am a total failure, and my life is of absolutely no worth.

... out on my own again. When I belong to Jesus, I am never "out on my own again." He is always leading me.

You put me high on a pedestal. Only Jesus belongs on a pedestal. That is the throne of my life.

So high that I could almost touch eternity. Wit Jesus, I already have eternity, WITH HIM. Jesus has bought my eternity ticket. However, many folks fail to realize that their souls are eternal. With, or without Jesus, every single human being has an eternal soul. The question to ask, is this: Will you spend eternity in Heaven, in the forever presence of Jesus, and the Loving God, or will you reject Jesus, and the salvation he offers, and spend eternity banned from God's presence? With God in heaven or without Him in He!!.
The other is actually was aggressive almost feral he been that way. And yes its extremely odd on doser but he been having strokes so it probably is neulogical but if its not I would feel responsible if we rehomed him and he bit a child to where it was much worse. And no they have hunting dog in them no herding. It haf progressed with blue to a point where he would let adults pet him but once they turned around he would bite them. This one it's alot different Lucy would take her naps laying on him when she was one and two so I find this beyond disturbing. I can't trust him regardless what caused it.

Ahhh that makes sense. The other sounds really aggressive and even unpredictable? So probably best to be put down. And that's understandable. He could always have been rehomed to a home without kids though and kept away from them.. and/or trained. But sadly, if it's neurological it will usually only get worse and he would have had to be put down eventually. :( given he's normally nice and has the strokes, it probably is neurological
He has already been put down, I am not going to think about the damage he could do regardless it might not have been and could have been either way I am just frustrated right now. I had dogs all my life even trained some and I been around large and small animals never had one bite me out of aggression. I been bitten before and the dog has always shown remorse he didnt at all. Between the two they killed over 500$ worth of chickens and ducks and they show remorse over that this is not right. We have two cats and the crankiest out of both will growl at the kids but wont hurt them. He didn't even growl there was no warning before he bit. He growled at the same time as he bit her.
Wow that is scary! Sounds like you made the right decision then. And if he showed no remorse and just snapped like that he was probably psycho. Or maybe he showed no remorse because it wad neurological and he simply didn't know what he did. Either way, somewhat "psycho" and it would have only gotten worse. So probably best you put him down

And sorry about your chickens and ducks :(

Do you free range your birds or did they break in? Either way, they seem like menaces
Glad to see this thread on BYC
Looking for prayer for my kids... None are saved and yet all were brought up in a Christian home.
We have two disabled sons. One is severely disabled and the other brain injured. The severely disabled boy is in a hospital unit right now for socially and behaviourally challenged he is in his 30s and has been there a year. We could not have him home for Christmas as he was too difficult. The other boy is doing fine with a young family now but is not following the lord and still finds life with a brain injury challenging. Our Daughter is wonderful and a lovely girl also with her own family now but again not following the lord. Our eldest son is totally bitter towards us - he tells us he is an atheist and he has a new partner and baby but we were not allowed to drop her Christmas gifts off and instead got a lot of spite from our son... It is terribly upsetting. We are told that he does not see us as parents but rather his equal? So he gives us no parental respect at all. He has cut himself off from the entire family pretty much. He is very very anti Christian faith and will attack our beliefs at any opportunity. When he was growing up he was always interested in god and faith and the church but now just sees it as something to get at us over? I know it has been hard for him with two disabled brothers but it is hard for us too. He constantly tells us how bad we are at parenting him and yet he cannot see how now in his 30s he is not a very nice son to us as he wont even ask after his disabled brother in the hospital and has totally ignored him for years? I am trying to put this in Gods hands as every time we try to connect in our own strength we end up with a tirade of bitter spite and nasty comments... So if you could pray for our kids we would be very grateful Oes x

I'll be keeping your family in my prayers :( :hugs

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