prayer warriors (following Jesus Christ, everyone welcome)

Also got a little story to help you guys hopefully gain some faith!

Today my chickens were attacked for the first time. It was by a red tailed hawk. My sister and I have been calling them from the other side of the run but they had not come. However I just blocked it off telling myself they probably did not hear. I called more with no response and just decided to walk off. Once I was done with my walk which took about 5 minutes my sister saw a hawk swoop onto a tree right on top of the coop. Both of us, frightened ran to see what was up. What we saw was mind boggling. Our chickens were cornered and I saw one in particular not moving on the ground. I thought it was dead and got scared. But when I got close it was alive still and I immediately thanked Jesus for it. Next we called all the rest of the chickens to their other run to stay safer. And we met with our first dead chicken. A leghorn dead upon its many feathers. But after a head count we were missing 2 others. We searched the entire border without luck. The hawk took them...we thought. They must be dead...we also thought. I started asking the "why" questions and I pondered on why God took three chickens without a warning, and WHY He did not give us a warning. We went in and told our family the bad news. But we did not know something BIG was about to happen. When we went to see the chickens...the two missing suddenly appeared. We lost one chicken today but I feel so grateful, He did give a warning. And looking back on today God gives so many hints to us in life and the chickens not coming to my call was my hint. Now taking that persepective into my life reminds me of the times when God nudges me and tell me each time what is on His heart... But many times those moments I miss due to the rest of my life. I tend to forget what is most important. I hope this gave you more courage and please...unlike me cherish those moments and thise hints.

Thank you for reading it was really long! Hope this help you to understand what is more and most important!
I am sorry for your loss. Thank you for having the strength to share your story with us :hugs
A Psalm for these times:
Psalm 91, NIV
Whoever dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty.
[2] I will say of the Lord, “He is my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust.”
[3] Surely he will save you from the fowler's snare and from the deadly pestilence.
[4] He will cover you with his feathers, and under his wings you will find refuge; his faithfulness will be your shield and rampart.
[5] You will not fear the terror of night, nor the arrow that flies by day,
[6] nor the pestilence that stalks in the darkness, nor the plague that destroys at midday.
[7] A thousand may fall at your side, ten thousand at your right hand, but it will not come near you.
[8] You will only observe with your eyes and see the punishment of the wicked.
[9] If you say, “The Lord is my refuge,” and you make the Most High your dwelling, [10] no harm will overtake you, no disaster will come near your tent.
[11] For he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways;
[12] they will lift you up in their hands, so that you will not strike your foot against a stone.
[13] You will tread on the lion and the cobra; you will trample the great lion and the serpent.
[14] “Because he loves me,” says the Lord, “I will rescue him; I will protect him, for he acknowledges my name.
[15] He will call on me, and I will answer him; I will be with him in trouble, I will deliver him and honor him.
[16] With long life I will satisfy him and show him my salvation. ”
Reminds me of the passage I read today about Joseph...and how God lifted him up and isn't that what God always does?

"You take the broken things and Raise them to glory" - song called Champion
Thank you, @cherrynberry! It is not God who kills and destroys, it is Satan. It is God who saves, and He really did that for you! What a great experience (the part about your two missing hens showing up, not the part where you lost one, obviously!). I had a similar experience last summer, when the hawk got my young "apprentice" cockerel. He would have made a great rooster, but he gave his life defending the hens in a rear-guard action while the older roo gathered them into the coop for safety. I have since replaced him with a young BJG who I hope will do a good job as well, watching for danger. These guys are good object lessons, showing us how Jesus watches over us, leads us to safety and yes, even laid down His life for us! ❤
We lost a cockerel a month or two ago. A Goshawk came around while we were away at church, and it tore open Simnel and left him behind. Rapier was missing, too, and I assumed that she'd died.
The blessings were these:
Simnel was intact enough that it was worth dissecting him. The experience was fascinating, and I greatly enjoyed learning firsthand about the anatomy of a chicken.
The other blessing was that when I went out to put the birds in for the night, Rapier had come back from wherever it was that she'd been, and was sitting on the perch without a scratch.
We've had experiences like this before. I always get upset and rather angry at the hawk, but then I cool down and think that at least it isn't as hungry anymore and that the rest of my birds are fine. I still don't much like how it keeps coming at my birds, but at least it isn't a weasel.
I miss Simnel, but he was a great cockerel while he was here for his flock, and a beautiful bird to have been blessed with:
We lost a cockerel a month or two ago. A Goshawk came around while we were away at church, and it tore open Simnel and left him behind. Rapier was missing, too, and I assumed that she'd died.
The blessings were these:
Simnel was intact enough that it was worth dissecting him. The experience was fascinating, and I greatly enjoyed learning firsthand about the anatomy of a chicken.
The other blessing was that when I went out to put the birds in for the night, Rapier had come back from wherever it was that she'd been, and was sitting on the perch without a scratch.
We've had experiences like this before. I always get upset and rather angry at the hawk, but then I cool down and think that at least it isn't as hungry anymore and that the rest of my birds are fine. I still don't much like how it keeps coming at my birds, but at least it isn't a weasel.
I miss Simnel, but he was a great cockerel while he was here for his flock, and a beautiful bird to have been blessed with:
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A beautiful bird, indeed! You were blessed to have had him, and it's nice that he was able to teach you by his death through the necropsy as well. :hugs
Thank you, @cherrynberry! It is not God who kills and destroys, it is Satan. It is God who saves, and He really did that for you! What a great experience (the part about your two missing hens showing up, not the part where you lost one, obviously!). I had a similar experience last summer, when the hawk got my young "apprentice" cockerel. He would have made a great rooster, but he gave his life defending the hens in a rear-guard action while the older roo gathered them into the coop for safety. I have since replaced him with a young BJG who I hope will do a good job as well, watching for danger. These guys are good object lessons, showing us how Jesus watches over us, leads us to safety and yes, even laid down His life for us! ❤
Yeah, He is such a great father and you know what....we were all in disbelief. My family kept saying how those two have to be dead, the hawk took them, and there was no way they would be alive. But I forgot one thing. Our God is the God who saves!

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