prayer warriors (following Jesus Christ, everyone welcome)

@DaisyG2317 I don't know your situation. I just remember how Jesus called Judas "friend" even as Judas was in the act of betraying Him to those who would kill Him. How Jesus still loved Peter, even as Peter denied Him in the courtyard. How Jesus had compassion on the woman brought to Him caught in the very act of adultery, and how He died for each of us, while we were yet at enmity with Him (Romans 5:8). As we represent Jesus to those around us by being loving, kind and compassionate, God can work through us to their benefit.
@DaisyG2317 I don't know your situation. I just remember how Jesus called Judas "friend" even as Judas was in the act of betraying Him to those who would kill Him. How Jesus still loved Peter, even as Peter denied Him in the courtyard. How Jesus had compassion on the woman brought to Him caught in the very act of adultery, and how He died for each of us, while we were yet at enmity with Him (Romans 5:8). As we represent Jesus to those around us by being loving, kind and compassionate, God can work through us to their benefit.
Thank you🧡
This is a praise report. Some time back I asked for prayer for my DD. Not sure that I went into much detail about the need, HIPPA and all that. Basically, mental/ emotional issues manifesting in her teens resulting in what is now popularly known as "self-medicating," or drug and alcohol abuse and all that goes with it. It was bad. I remember looking into her beautiful, ravaged face and thinking, Who are you and what have you done with my child? I knew this was a spiritual battle and that prayer was my only weapon. I thought I might never have a coherent conversation with her again until the resurrection. But I held on to every promise I could find in Scripture that assured me that Jesus would not let her go, would not forsake her, would not cease from searching for His lost lamb. She may have been spiritually "dead," but Jesus can raise the dead if someone cares enough to ask Him to do so. And so I have not ceased to pray for her, though she, for years, would not speak to me or acknowledge me. My praise is this. She has gotten on some psych meds that are working well for her. She is joyfully attending a 12-step program. She calls and visits with me, and I get to hear her laugh again! She is coherent, praise God! She is not yet attending church, but because God is good, I believe she will. I believe He will restore her completely, because He is a God who fixes broken people. He is a God of love and healing and wholeness and I love Him, so SO MUCH! Oh, in case any are wondering, 35 years. I have been praying for my broken child for 35 years. So if there is someone in your life who is not where you would like them to be in the Lord, please! Keep praying for them. Keep loving them. God will not forget them or give up on them. Be faithful to lift them up. God hears those prayers and He will honor them. He is faithful!
Oh, in case any are wondering, 35 years. I have been praying for my broken child for 35 years. So if there is someone in your life who is not where you would like them to be in the Lord, please! Keep praying for them. Keep loving them. God will not forget them or give up on them. Be faithful to lift them up. God hears those prayers and He will honor them. He is faithful!

That is amazing news! 35 years! Your patience is inspiring to me. Although I’ve always believed in God, I didn’t truly get saved until 2018 and since then I had been praying for one of my sisters who without faith I would have given up hope on her, but sure enough in 2019 she got saved.

That was a real boost for my prayers and that has helped me persevere with two of my other sisters and my dad. If I didn’t have faith I would say they’re a lost cause, but I know God will change their heart one day and I’m praying for that day, even if it’s 35 years later ❤️

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