prayer warriors (following Jesus Christ, everyone welcome)

DH and I were tested last Thursday for the coronavirus because we had some concerning symptoms: coughing, aching, fever, headache, etc. To our knowledge we had not been around anyone positive for Covid, but ... better safe than sorry, right? We got our results back today: POSITIVE.

So far neither of us is dreadfully sick, thank God! DH is coughing a lot but has no fever. He's taking Alka-Seltzer Plus Cold & Flu every 4 hours. I've had a temp of 100.0 for three days, with minimal coughing, but with headache, body ache, and drippy eyes and nose. Occasional Tylenol for me. Both of us are pushing fluids and rest. Our GirlChild reports loss/change in smell and taste, and body ache, but no fever. Not surprising, she NEVER spikes fever, even with strep, never has. Only The Kid seems immune, he just had one day of no appetite, otherwise seems perfectly well. We are all under "house arrest" until next Sunday at least.

I have about six dozen eggs I now can't sell, guess the raccoons'll get 'em, but not near the house. SIL will pick up a no-contact grocery order for us tomorrow at WM and set in on our back step, I ordered it on line today. Mostly stuff like milk, bread, cereal. Please feel free to include us in your prayers, that our symptoms remain mild! Thank you!
I hope that you feel better soon! May you recover safely. Strength and faith to you and yours. :hugs
I hope that you feel better soon! May you recover safely. Strength and faith to you and yours. :hugs
Thanks, Sapphy! It's that faith part that's most important to me, come what may! Jesus prayed for Peter, "that (his) faith fail not." That's the biggie. Life and health are nice, but my big prayer is that I never lose my hold on Jesus. Thank you, your prayer means a lot!
Thanks, Sapphy! It's that faith part that's most important to me, come what may! Jesus prayed for Peter, "that (his) faith fail not." That's the biggie. Life and health are nice, but my big prayer is that I never lose my hold on Jesus. Thank you, your prayer means a lot!
I'll be praying for you @BigBlueHen53 , you've helped me out a lot in the past with some of my struggles ( which have mostly resolved, thankfully) , so the least I can do is pray for y'all to get better!!
DH and I were tested last Thursday for the coronavirus because we had some concerning symptoms: coughing, aching, fever, headache, etc. To our knowledge we had not been around anyone positive for Covid, but ... better safe than sorry, right? We got our results back today: POSITIVE.

So far neither of us is dreadfully sick, thank God! DH is coughing a lot but has no fever. He's taking Alka-Seltzer Plus Cold & Flu every 4 hours. I've had a temp of 100.0 for three days, with minimal coughing, but with headache, body ache, and drippy eyes and nose. Occasional Tylenol for me. Both of us are pushing fluids and rest. Our GirlChild reports loss/change in smell and taste, and body ache, but no fever. Not surprising, she NEVER spikes fever, even with strep, never has. Only The Kid seems immune, he just had one day of no appetite, otherwise seems perfectly well. We are all under "house arrest" until next Sunday at least.

I have about six dozen eggs I now can't sell, guess the raccoons'll get 'em, but not near the house. SIL will pick up a no-contact grocery order for us tomorrow at WM and set in on our back step, I ordered it on line today. Mostly stuff like milk, bread, cereal. Please feel free to include us in your prayers, that our symptoms remain mild! Thank you!

Praying for healing for you and your family in Jesus name amen

My nephew (31) tested positive in December and quarantined at home and is doing good

my mom (81) tested positive last week and is at home quarantine
I haven't gotten notifications so it will take me a while to get updated 😨

Prayers for all my friends on here.

O God of peace, who hast taught us that in returning and rest we shall be saved, in quietness and confidence shall be our strength: By the might of thy Spirit lift us, we pray thee, to thy presence, where we may be still and know that thou art God; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
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Praying for healing for you and your family in Jesus name amen

My nephew (31) tested positive in December and quarantined at home and is doing good

my mom (81) tested positive last week and is at home quarantine
Thanks, kikiruru! We seem to be doing okay here at home so far. Dozing in front of the tv.
I haven't gotten notifications so it will take me a while to get updated 😨

Prayers for all my friends on here.

O God of peace, who hast taught us that in returning and rest we shall be saved, in quietness and confidence shall be our strength: By the might of thy Spirit lift us, we pray thee, to thy presence, where we may be still and know that thou art God; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
Thank you, Daisy, so nice! I have found, if I seem to not be getting alerts, if I tap the alert bell, they will appear!
DH and I were tested last Thursday for the coronavirus because we had some concerning symptoms: coughing, aching, fever, headache, etc. To our knowledge we had not been around anyone positive for Covid, but ... better safe than sorry, right? We got our results back today: POSITIVE.

So far neither of us is dreadfully sick, thank God! DH is coughing a lot but has no fever. He's taking Alka-Seltzer Plus Cold & Flu every 4 hours. I've had a temp of 100.0 for three days, with minimal coughing, but with headache, body ache, and drippy eyes and nose. Occasional Tylenol for me. Both of us are pushing fluids and rest. Our GirlChild reports loss/change in smell and taste, and body ache, but no fever. Not surprising, she NEVER spikes fever, even with strep, never has. Only The Kid seems immune, he just had one day of no appetite, otherwise seems perfectly well. We are all under "house arrest" until next Sunday at least.

I have about six dozen eggs I now can't sell, guess the raccoons'll get 'em, but not near the house. SIL will pick up a no-contact grocery order for us tomorrow at WM and set in on our back step, I ordered it on line today. Mostly stuff like milk, bread, cereal. Please feel free to include us in your prayers, that our symptoms remain mild! Thank you!
Will definitely pray for you!
DH and I were tested last Thursday for the coronavirus because we had some concerning symptoms: coughing, aching, fever, headache, etc. To our knowledge we had not been around anyone positive for Covid, but ... better safe than sorry, right? We got our results back today: POSITIVE.

So far neither of us is dreadfully sick, thank God! DH is coughing a lot but has no fever. He's taking Alka-Seltzer Plus Cold & Flu every 4 hours. I've had a temp of 100.0 for three days, with minimal coughing, but with headache, body ache, and drippy eyes and nose. Occasional Tylenol for me. Both of us are pushing fluids and rest. Our GirlChild reports loss/change in smell and taste, and body ache, but no fever. Not surprising, she NEVER spikes fever, even with strep, never has. Only The Kid seems immune, he just had one day of no appetite, otherwise seems perfectly well. We are all under "house arrest" until next Sunday at least.

I have about six dozen eggs I now can't sell, guess the raccoons'll get 'em, but not near the house. SIL will pick up a no-contact grocery order for us tomorrow at WM and set in on our back step, I ordered it on line today. Mostly stuff like milk, bread, cereal. Please feel free to include us in your prayers, that our symptoms remain mild! Thank you!
Hope this gives you faith. It sure did for me when I watched it a week ago... just remember:

God takes what the enemies means for evil and turns it to good!

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