prayer warriors (following Jesus Christ, everyone welcome)

So... I had DH take me to ER today. My temp has been hovering around 100- 101 for several days now. I had not been able to eat or drink bc everything tastes and smells terrible and makes me nauseated, even water. I got an IV, a steroid for inflammation, a chest x-ray and a big honkin' potassium pill (gag!). I had a mild case of pneumonia so thank God we caught it early! I was strictly told I MUST eat and drink if I want to stay out of the hospital or worse. I got some fruit popsicles and cream of chicken soup. They gave me Azithromycin tablets and anti-nausea meds and sent me home. I feel better now that I'm hydrated. But I'm still sleeping a lot. I know I'll get better, it's just a process.
Jeremiah 29:11-13 KJV
For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the Lord, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end. [12] Then shall ye call upon me, and ye shall go and pray unto me, and I will hearken unto you. [13] And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart.
So... I had DH take me to ER today. My temp has been hovering around 100- 101 for several days now. I had not been able to eat or drink bc everything tastes and smells terrible and makes me nauseated, even water. I got an IV, a steroid for inflammation, a chest x-ray and a big honkin' potassium pill (gag!). I had a mild case of pneumonia so thank God we caught it early! I was strictly told I MUST eat and drink if I want to stay out of the hospital or worse. I got some fruit popsicles and cream of chicken soup. They gave me Azithromycin tablets and anti-nausea meds and sent me home. I feel better now that I'm hydrated. But I'm still sleeping a lot. I know I'll get better, it's just a process.

Isaiah 53:5

So... I had DH take me to ER today. My temp has been hovering around 100- 101 for several days now. I had not been able to eat or drink bc everything tastes and smells terrible and makes me nauseated, even water. I got an IV, a steroid for inflammation, a chest x-ray and a big honkin' potassium pill (gag!). I had a mild case of pneumonia so thank God we caught it early! I was strictly told I MUST eat and drink if I want to stay out of the hospital or worse. I got some fruit popsicles and cream of chicken soup. They gave me Azithromycin tablets and anti-nausea meds and sent me home. I feel better now that I'm hydrated. But I'm still sleeping a lot. I know I'll get better, it's just a process.

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