prayer warriors (following Jesus Christ, everyone welcome)

I do believe God allows us to make mistakes, for that very reason. The whole old testament is testament to that....

A man was on the top of the roof during a flood and they came to try to help him and he rejected the help saying that God will help him. After he drowned, he asked God why did He not helped him. God answered, I did sent many but you refused.

Another man was in the top of a roof because he wanted to kill himself. he was tired of the bad things happening to him. He finally jumped and on his way down he remembered that he was not supposed to take his life away but God's right. He cried out to God to forgive him. God answered, You are forgiven. See you when you get here.

~with unconditional love~
anyone want to answer

Faith in our good works?

Faith in the
Five Pillars of Islam
The Five Pillars of Islam are five basic acts in Islam, considered mandatory by believers and are the foundation of Muslim life. They are summarized in the famous hadith of Gabriel.


Faith in your prayers to Mary?
You brought memories with this. I was teaching in middle school as a substitute teacher and the theme was the five pillars of Islam. I was like" what in the world? I am a Christian and I have to teach about Islam? So I had no other choice but to silently ask help to the Holy Spirit. I told them that I understand that religion is not to be taught in public schools but that was what I was given.
Of course neither is Christianity but I used it anyways and the principal decided to watch,lol
SO I began asking if any of them had a Christian grandmother or neighbor. When they said yes, I told them they have a book called the Bible and in that Bible there were the Pentateuch or first five books of Moses which are the foundation of Christianity. I was scared but that was the only way I was able to do the Islam. And trust me, I have read the Quran (Koran).

~with unconditional love~
So.... if @Flock Master64 has the most post on here today....

Where is your valuable questions and thought for this thread, huh????

Just harassing ya!

I hate that the Bible says in:

Proverbs 16:30 Whoever winks his eyes plans dishonest things; he who purses his lips brings evil to pass.

I like to wink to show I'm playing. But I guess playing doesn't mean meaning it... so therefor dishonest.....

Thought please??
Love, you cannot take that literarily. It depends on the context of which it was written. Do you think is dishonest if your spouse winks at you? My spouse winks at me and I do not consider it dishonest. I think of it misleading towards the place spouse wants me to be. (you get the point if you are not under 18).
in Proverbs 16 after verse 25 it is about the evil doers while before it was about the righteous. You will need to be discerning and asking for wisdom for better understanding.
It also says that a morning blessing can be a heap of coal but would you stop a morning blessing to someone because of that?

~with unconditional love~
Probably way off here, but I was curious anyway.... How did Jesus know what they were "reasoning" if they didn't tell him? Was he reading their minds/hearts?
Please explain why Jesus is God using this passage.

Luke 5:22-24 New American Standard Bible (NASB)
22 But Jesus, aware of their reasonings, answered and said to them, “Why are you reasoning in your hearts? 23 Which is easier, to say, ‘Your sins have been forgiven you,’ or to say, ‘Get up and walk’? 24 But, so that you may know that the Son of Man has authority on earth to forgive sins,”—He said to the paralytic—“I say to you, get up, and pick up your stretcher and go home.”
I am not sure if these questions are because of really wanting answers or just picking people's minds. However, I am going in. We are in a chicken websites. Chickens lay eggs. In order to get to the yolk, one must go through the shell and the white. God's trinity right there. They are all one. One cannot be without the other. God knows everything. So Jesus is God, the Holy Spirit is God. It is the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit all in One. They all know everything even before you think it, therefore the answer to your question if Jesus is God is YES and if he was mind reading, you can put it that way and it will be YES. He knows the mind and the hearts of everyone.

~with unconditional love~
I'm not sure if this is a question that can really be answered but I'll ask anyway. It kind of bothers me that so many verses in the Bible deal with having peace and not being afraid when life isn't peacefull. It's depressing and full of stress. Yet as Christians were expected to be full of joy and peace. Are you a "bad Christian" if you are unhappy or worried? Does having faith in God REALLY give you peace? Or just the hope of having peace at the end of your life?
You will find a lot of Scriptures for this. However the simple answer is that yes, you can find joy no matter what. DO not let your feelings rule you but subdue them under you. Feelings change very often. Be concious of this and put it to the test. I know some will say you do not put your God to test but this is not testing God but you and your faith. In a moment of sadness, play Christian music, contemporary one for example.
Our God is an awesome God who reigns in heaven and earth....
Concentrate in the words and follow the music. You will be dancing and you will forget what you were sad about.
Like in Nemo movie, it's fool proof!

~with unconditional love~
New International Version
Jesus answered him, "Truly I tell you, today you will be with me in paradise."

New Living Translation
And Jesus replied, “I assure you, today you will be with me in paradise.”

Luke 23:43
They were reunited the same day. It was not literarily that exact day. We go to sleeping mode until he gathers us. We are like growing our wings I would like to think.
Do you think is dishonest if your spouse winks at you
No, my husband and I are one.. I know his thoughts. I've come along way since that was posted.. including recognizing that the Bible versions I was familiar with.. while NO lie could be found.. they are only part truths.. essentially spiritual milk.. and as you're lead by the Holy Spirit.. in the purification process on your journey towards the inner room of the temple where the Holy of Holy's exist.. As you deny the temptation of the mind and follow the heart.. seeking Truth and Life above all knowledge.. it starts to make sense and my mind is blown! Yes, in anything we must always take it into context.. and I find searching the original meaning instead of the one that was watered down according to someone else's interpretation goes a LONG way towards clarifying all God's "mysteries".. Noting also that I DO consider the Bible to be the Living Word.. and that the Lord will cause ALL things.. (to be used as tools even Satan, the Catholic church, prison, loss, etc) to work together for good, for those who love God and are CALLED according to His purpose. So I guess my second answer is no I probably wouldn't hold back a blessing EVEN if it were a pile of coal.. Especially at THIS point in my life where I recognize that being born to abusive heroin addicts, and other alleged atrocities I've endured were simply God's mercies being poured out upon my soul.. I got tore down to be built back up.. in God's own image.. it's a process, trying to get it a clear and fully loving reflection.. learning to forgive and to love one's own self.. then to lay that at the foot of the cross and let God live out loud through you

What I think is dishonest is people confessing God with their lips and denying Him with their lives.. or even more.. that any of us think any of this reality pertains to our salvation ONCE we've asked God into our hearts, it is done.. THAT'S possession folks.. you now belong to him.. The Holy Spirit resides IN YOU.

So if we be children of the most high God.. who has the power to move mountains.. then WHY do we keep running this rat race becoming a slave to "the man", our houses, our properties, even the church, or our spouses.. trying to prove ourselves "worthy" of being loved.. when all were asked to do is simply accept this gift called GRACE! You can NOT earn it.. that's doesn't mean your worthless.. it means you're priceless and you're accepted with agape love.. referred to in the KJV a "charity".. This is a type that comes from the condition of one's own heart and reflect outward to ALL.. even the so called unlovable,, leapers, addicts, other races, and species, even plant.. for ALL of God's creation belongs to Him and Him alone..

Every story of the Bible is my own.. and I've faced my personal Armageddon.. where I cannot buy or sell ANY thing.. because it ALL belongs to HIM.. This world has NOTHING to offer.. it's a dead end.. But HE over came the grave.. sleepers, zombies, walking dead.. I'm talking to YOU..

He who has ear to hear let him hear.. He is risen, God is alive!:bun

Revelations 3:20
Where is everyone?
Lord, may I humble myself unto you and give You thanks for who You are and for all that You have done for us. Thank You for all that you have created from us to all that is for us to delight in. I humbly ask you to please bless and protect your children and those who do not know they are Yours. May You , Oh Lord, heal our land from this pandemic and heal those who are suffering from any illness or for struggles to provide for their families. Lord, we can only trust in You and those You lead in our communities. Lord, it is not our will that is important but Your will. Please, Lord, listen to our hearts and give us our portion according to what You have already divided. For You alone, Lord, are the One to be praised, You alone are the One to be glorified. Bring us peace in this turmoil with people going against people just because they look different or come from a different country. May You Lord, be exalted and to You I give you all the praise. I ask in Jesus' Name.

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