prayer warriors (following Jesus Christ, everyone welcome)

There is no point in asking for forgiveness more than once for the same thing over and over. God forgave you the first time because of the work of the Cross.

Make no sense to take all the boxes and lay them on the throne and on your way back, you take one box because you think you can handle that box on your own. Then take another one so you do not put all of your burdens at the same time. Then take another thinking that God do not think is important. You will be returning full of boxes again and that was not the point. Leave them all and forget them.

~with unconditional love~
There is no point in asking for forgiveness more than once for the same thing over and over.
And ALL sin is the same sin.. over and over again.. it's all sin.. thing's that try to steal God's glory.

When Christ died on the cross it was for ALL sins that will EVER be committed.. God is not bound by time.. he knows the future present and past.. we are *like* God's puppies.. chewing up the kitchen cabinets, counter surfing, pooping in the hallway.. destroying it all and still wanting more.. But HE knows with DISCIPLE (ine), you will WILL become a good dog. But all He want is to Love and to be Loved.. without fear, withOUT judgement, with patience.. or best said in 1 Corinthians 13.. NIV changes the word Charity and calls it Love.. this love being spoken of is agape love..

1 Corinthians 13:4-11
King James Version

4 Charity suffereth long, and is kind; charity envieth not; charity vaunteth not itself, is not puffed up,

5 Doth not behave itself unseemly, seeketh not her own, is not easily provoked, thinketh no evil;
6 Rejoiceth not in iniquity, but rejoiceth in the truth;
7 Beareth all things, believeth all things, hopeth all things, endureth all things.
8 Charity never faileth: but whether there be prophecies, they shall fail; whether there be tongues, they shall cease; whether there be knowledge, it shall vanish away.;KJV

Knowledge is of the mind.. which has eyes, ears, taste, feel, etc.. being fed by what we allow on our plates.. which keeps trying to trick you/us into temptation..

"Follow the leader, stay in the lines, what will people think of what you've done this time? Go with the crowd surely somebody knows why we're all wearing the emperors' clothes. Play it safe play, play by the rules or don't play at all what if you lose? That's not the secret, but I know what is.. EveryBODY dies, but not everyONE lives!" (Superchick) they've got some hard hitting, uplifting messages

But the song that really helps remember.. we're the one's who believe in the things unseen this homeless body is the in between!..

We can't keep looking back at the wrongs we perceived or what ifs.. or surely we too will get hearts of stone. Time travel is real.. let's not live in the past.. or too far in the future.. Let's live for God now in the "present" gifted and unique life he bestowed upon us. Lets be grateful for all things in ALL season.. even the time our roots are growing deeper and our fruits seem far off or immature.. In God's time the harvest will be enjoyed by all.

Apologies for the weird bolding etc.. something started going awry and the harder I tried to fix it just kept getting worse so posting as is.. as always (right or wrong) straight from the heart! :rant

Ya, it was Friday.. but Sunday is coming! :woot
my humanities teacher was a missonary and went to india to spread christ. he said the people were awed that there was white man there. he also said that most of the people thought, that he, not Christ, was the savior.
Sometimes God answers like, almost immediately, or, like Scripture says, while I am still praying! And that is so cool when that happens, it just fills me with such joy and thrills my soul. But other times, well, not so much. Like ... well, my son started drinking when he was a teen. He is 45 now and just now going to a 12-step program and getting sober. So I have been praying for him for like, 30 years! But I always believed God heard me, and would answer, because there is a verse that says, "...and I will save your children." I've prayed for my daughter too, she also has issues, and I just learned the other day that she got a job recently. She's over 40 and it's her first job. Am I praising God? You know I am! So if you don't see an answer to your prayers right away, don't get discouraged! Keep on praying! He does hear! He will answer. Maybe not immediately. Maybe not in the way you expect. But trust Him. He makes no mistakes! He is faithful.
All in His timing. Your faithfulness, your prayers were heard. He knew best, when they were ready. Your example was also a part of their healing.
Well, I’m a pretty crappy one tbh 😂🤣🙈

I don’t even know if I’d be like “officially” one or whatever since I don’t go to church or anything and barely even read the Bible :oops: but I’ve been trying to be better about it but idk, I like always start or start those devotional plan things, and then forget or quit or whatever. :oops: but I do believe in Him and everything and listen to a lot of Christian music and I pray all the time about dumb/random things throughout the day 😂🙈

I don’t know that any of that counts since I suck at actually living it but yeah.
He hears those...prayers. 💞

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