prayer warriors (following Jesus Christ, everyone welcome)

Would you all be in prayer for my mom, she's having hip surgery on Monday. She's not supposed to take pain meds until then due to most being blood thinners and her pain is incredible.
We also just found out that our insurance may not cover the surgery due to some paper not getting to the right place, if insurance covers it, it's about $6,000 vs $50,000 if it doesn't. It would be really nice if insurance would cover this surgery.

:frow Hi there, all is well with you?
Pretty good, been working alot to pay off crushing debt lol.

Had a sad situation yesterday. I gave my broody some day old chicks. Came home from work and one of them was dead and being mutilated by my 3 other hens 😢. Not sure what had happened, but mama is at the bottom of the pecking order and she might just be too timid to properly defend the babies. Or it could have not imprinted on her, who knows. The rest of the babies are good and my husband is building a partion so she can be seen in the coop but be safe from the other hens.

I said a little prayer for the poor baby chick.
Pretty good, been working alot to pay off crushing debt lol.

Had a sad situation yesterday. I gave my broody some day old chicks. Came home from work and one of them was dead and being mutilated by my 3 other hens 😢. Not sure what had happened, but mama is at the bottom of the pecking order and she might just be too timid to properly defend the babies. Or it could have not imprinted on her, who knows. The rest of the babies are good and my husband is building a partion so she can be seen in the coop but be safe from the other hens.

I said a little prayer for the poor baby chick.
Aww, that's too bad, i'm sorry that happened. We have some 4-week old chicks and a broody. I was thinking about putting the broody in with the chicks tonight but I'm very apprehensive. Sigh, I guess I'd better not. I'll just put her in the broody breaker. Yeah, sounds like your mama and chicks need some time to themselves before integrating. It'll work out when they're a little older!
Romans 13:1 KJV
Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God.

Every time there is an election, a certain number of people are going to be unhappy with the result. But this Scripture reminds us that ultimately, God is still in charge. Nobody serves but those God allows to serve, even the wicked and incompetent. Remember the history of israel and her kings! But even then, and still now, God puts limits on what they may and may not accomplish. The less competent we may feel them to be, the more we should lift them up in prayer. But let us remember God's admonition:

1 Peter 2:17 KJV
Honour all men. Love the brotherhood. Fear God. Honour the king.

I bring this up because my heart is hurting. In various threads I see people voicing their frustration with the current Administration in angry, hurtful words that are making BYC a less safe place to be than it strives to be, or so it seems to me. Every Administration has its challenges and must meet them the best way it can. It"s easy to be an " armchair quarterback," but this we are not called upon to do. Please, let us in charity pray for our leaders, that the Lord may lead them, give them wisdom, strength and courage to lead our nation safely through the troubled waters of this current age. Thank you.
Update on my mom,
We are prepping for surgery. Please keep my mom in prayer.
Still no word whether or not insurance will come through for this.
Praying that all goes well for your mom today, and that the insurance covers thd costs. Peace to you, as well.
Romans 13:1 KJV
Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God.

Every time there is an election, a certain number of people are going to be unhappy with the result. But this Scripture reminds us that ultimately, God is still in charge. Nobody serves but those God allows to serve, even the wicked and incompetent. Remember the history of israel and her kings! But even then, and still now, God puts limits on what they may and may not accomplish. The less competent we may feel them to be, the more we should lift them up in prayer. But let us remember God's admonition:

1 Peter 2:17 KJV
Honour all men. Love the brotherhood. Fear God. Honour the king.

I bring this up because my heart is hurting. In various threads I see people voicing their frustration with the current Administration in angry, hurtful words that are making BYC a less safe place to be than it strives to be, or so it seems to me. Every Administration has its challenges and must meet them the best way it can. It"s easy to be an " armchair quarterback," but this we are not called upon to do. Please, let us in charity pray for our leaders, that the Lord may lead them, give them wisdom, strength and courage to lead our nation safely through the troubled waters of this current age. Thank you.
Wait, is it time for an election already?

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