prayer warriors (following Jesus Christ, everyone welcome)

@CrazyCochin Quoting someone or spreading news about someone without their permission is not going to change them in any way. I agree that there was no need to do this.

Here is my reason. You tried and you planted a seed, if she shows no interest, there was really no need to force it into her. Its like trying to stuff food into a baby's mouth while it is still crying. After a few years/when the baby stops crying, then they may accept this, but not now. Non-believers looks toward us, Christians. I really hope they do not see disrespect. This is the main reason why my grandma would not believe in Jesus. She thinks that all Christians are is a steryotype and that they are all bad people who look good on the outside.

Anyhow, our job is to plant the seed, God does the rest. No person can truly believe without God.
(Thank you for your words Cherry :) ) I know that what I did was wrong and hard, both of us got heated, and I am sorry for what I said. I understand my mistake.
I do see that, but since most people have common knowledge of the bible, it's not something that needs to be stated. I already know that Cochin thinks I'm going to hell, she really doesn't need to say it. That's why it comes off as an insult. Because it sort of is one, everyone is already aware of your beliefs. You don't have to throw it in our faces when we tell you how we feel (at least that's how it comes off as)
(Hawaii, you do not have to read this if you do not want to, I understand, after this, I will leave you alone.)

Again, I am sorry, I am not going to avoid forgiving you because of my pride, we both made a mistake, we hurt each other, and said and did unnecessary things. 😔 I hurt you, but you hurt me as well.

Being a Christian, I am concerned about you, I only wanted to help you, and show you what love I have been shown. I never meant to hurt you. All my life I was raised to love others and to teach them about the Lord.

If you do not want me to pray for you, that is okay. I have learned that I cannot force something on someone else. I was heated, and upset. I cannot make an excuse for what I did, it was a mistake.

I know this sounds cheesy, but I forgive you for your mistake.
I have felt terrible and guilty all night, and all this morning. I cannot stop thinking about what I did. Please, I don't expect you to, but I ask that you think about forgiving me, even if you do not understand my beliefs. That is all. ❤️
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EDIT: This has been dealt with, HawaiiCoyote has left the thread, please do not quote or mention the user and open this thing up again; just let it die.
(I just posted that I forgave her) I don't plan to continue it. :) I will let this die. For all our sake.
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I know this sounds cheesy, but I forgive you for your mistake.
If I may ask, what mistake did I make? Not believing in the lord? Because that is not a mistake of mine, that is my choice. As far as I can see, I haven't made any mistakes and neither have you, considering that what was said wasn't a "mistake," it was a conversation. Even if things got heated, we both spoke our minds. Should we have to forgive each other for not believing in the same thing? Because I don't think there is anything to forgive, in my eyes. There was no wrong done, we both just said what needed to be said
we both made a mistake, we hurt each other, and said and did unnecessary things. 😔 I hurt you, but you hurt me as well.
I sadly can't screen cap this since you kicked me from our conversation, but I made it very clear right after telling you how I felt that it was not personal, that I didn't want to hurt you, and that the only reason I said it all so straight forward was because I wanted to be clear. I never sent that message meaning to hurt you, but you took it personally anyways and then started ranting me out. I have made no mistakes from my point of view, so I will not apologize for defending myself and speaking my mind. I am not the kind of person to let things go easily, but I am really trying to let this die as sebright has mentioned. I will forgive you, and I'm actually leaving this time unless you have something to say to me. Peace and Love, HawaiiCoyote
If there is a different "mistake" you are referring to, I would like to know what I did.
I think the main thing Cochin is referring to is the fact that you swore against our God and against our beliefs. You have the right to have your own opinion. And I respect that, I just don't agree with it. I would imagine it's the same vice versa.

When you disagree, try to be more polite about it.

I think both of you said some things you shouldn't have, but let it go now please. If you choose not to forgive her, that's fine. Her job was to ask for forgiveness. She was standing up for her own beliefs, just as you were.
If you don't believe you need to forgive or be forgiven, please, leave this thread to maintain peace with fellow chicken owners.

I pray that peace comes upon both of you.
HawaiiCoyote - Remember we are praying for you and we care about you. I understand why CrazyCochin spoke the way she did, and I also understand that it wasn't the best idea to speak like that.
You are entitled to your own opinions just like we all are. That's fine.
And this is to everyone - if and when you disagree with someone else's opinion, please be more polite about it.

Thank you for your understanding ❤️ God bless
I sadly can't screen cap this since you kicked me from our conversation, but I made it very clear right after telling you how I felt that it was not personal, that I didn't want to hurt you, and that the only reason I said it all so straight forward was because I wanted to be clear. I never sent that message meaning to hurt you, but you took it personally anyways and then started ranting me out. I have made no mistakes from my point of view, so I will not apologize for defending myself and speaking my mind. I am not the kind of person to let things go easily, but I am really trying to let this die as sebright has mentioned. I will forgive you, and I'm actually leaving this time unless you have something to say to me. Peace and Love, HawaiiCoyote
Thank you for saying this. You're a good person with a clean heart❤️
Next time when you "speak your mind", remember that other people have feelings too :)
Cochin was hurt by what you said and you were hurt for what she said.

Thank you for forgiving her, it truly means a lot.

God Bless you!

Good night ❤️
I sadly can't screen cap this since you kicked me from our conversation, but I made it very clear right after telling you how I felt that it was not personal, that I didn't want to hurt you, and that the only reason I said it all so straight forward was because I wanted to be straightforward. I never sent that message meaning to hurt you, but you took it personally anyways and then started ranting me out. I have made no mistakes from my point of view, so I will not apologize for defending myself and speaking my mind. I am not the kind of person to let things go easily, but I am really trying to let this die as sebright has mentioned. I will forgive you, and I'm actually leaving this time unless you have something to say to me. Peace and Love, HawaiiCoyote
Don’t leave…everyone has their own beliefs, who’s to say who is wrong? As long as we all respect each other and NOT force our religious beliefs on each other, It will all work out. Everyone is entitled to their own thoughts and beliefs.

I think the main thing Cochin is referring to is the fact that you swore against our God and against our beliefs. You have the right to have your own opinion. And I respect that, I just don't agree with it. I would imagine it's the same vice versa.

When you disagree, try to be more polite about it.

I think both of you said some things you shouldn't have, but let it go now please. If you choose not to forgive her, that's fine. Her job was to ask for forgiveness. She was standing up for her own beliefs, just as you were.
If you don't believe you need to forgive or be forgiven, please, leave this thread to maintain peace with fellow chicken owners.

I pray that peace comes upon both of you.
HawaiiCoyote - Remember we are praying for you and we care about you. I understand why CrazyCochin spoke the way she did, and I also understand that it wasn't the best idea to speak like that.
You are entitled to your own opinions just like we all are. That's fine.
And this is to everyone - if and when you disagree with someone else's opinion, please be more polite about it.

Thank you for your understanding ❤️ God bless
I really don't need you to answer for Cochin, since I was asking her, but thanks for your opinion. I will be as polite as I please, and for me, this is polite. 🙂
If you don't like something you read, you don't have to reply to it.

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