prayer warriors (following Jesus Christ, everyone welcome)

How does us paying more at the pump help Ukraine? That is a comment from someone that clearly does not know what is going on. The reason our gas prices are going up is because we are still buying oil from Russia, thus funding Putin's war! If we would open our pipelines, that should never have been closed, we could sell or give that oil to the countries fighting Russia and help them not have to use Russian oil too! And help our own citizens at the same time. THAT is a win win. $4 a gallon gas for us does nothing for Ukraine. Educate yourself before you make comments berating people for complaining about higher gas prices
they're like lambs to the slaughter.
Lemmings joyously running off of a cliff.
How does us paying more at the pump help Ukraine? That is a comment from someone that clearly does not know what is going on. The reason our gas prices are going up is because we are still buying oil from Russia, thus funding Putin's war! If we would open our pipelines, that should never have been closed, we could sell or give that oil to the countries fighting Russia and help them not have to use Russian oil too! And help our own citizens at the same time. THAT is a win win. $4 a gallon gas for us does nothing for Ukraine. Educate yourself before you make comments berating people for complaining about higher gas prices
I was not berating anyone, Trip, at least that was not my intention. I was encouraging others to support Ukraine in every possible way, even if that means our prices go up. Seems a small price to pay. OPEC can indeed release oil reserves so we don't have to purchase Russian oil, but it will take about six months to hit the pumps, as I understand it, due to the refining process and/or other built-in delays. Education goes both ways.
He does have His own solution though… I’ve seen it lol that’s what I was saying. He doesn’t necessarily always “answer” when I talk but He always comes up with His solution and answer that helps. No, not like Disney or immediately but He DOES help not just sit there, at least for me :confused:
That's good, Dawg, sorry I misunderstood. :hugs
This is a thread for prayer requests and praise reports. Perhaps another thread could be started to discuss the situation in Ukraine and we could just agree to pray that it gets resolved soon with a minimum loss of life.
...I just came back to this thread after a month or two of being off BYC and I was like, goodness what have I walked into. 😅 That being said, I'd be all for having this thread made. I don't watch the news on TV. They always spin everything and I don't trust it. But at the same time, I'd love to learn more and see a healthy discussion if that's possible. If this thread gets created, let me know!
...I just came back to this thread after a month or two of being off BYC and I was like, goodness what have I walked into. 😅 That being said, I'd be all for having this thread made. I don't watch the news on TV. They always spin everything and I don't trust it. But at the same time, I'd love to learn more and see a healthy discussion if that's possible. If this thread gets created, let me know!
This is a thread for prayer requests and praise reports. Perhaps another thread could be started to discuss the situation in Ukraine and we could just agree to pray that it gets resolved soon with a minimum loss of life.
It’d have to be a PM, political threads are not allowed on BYC. I saw one that’s already been locked. I’d be happy to start one, just let me know if anyone wants to
So... I guess I'm allowed to make a nice long post to catch everyone up... since Thanksgiving:

I lost my dad.

My grandma had a cardiologist appointment, said she needed to have her pacemaker battery replaced.

My grandma got a UTI that took two different antibiotics and over three weeks to kick.

Had her bloodwork done two days before surgery so they could make sure everything was okay before surgery (she's on blood thinners).

Day before surgery, they canceled due to the person who was going to put in the battery getting covid. Lots of concern if the battery would hold out from mom and me.

Rescheduled surgery, had to also reschedule another round of bloodwork.

FINALLY got this done and when we get there, we find out that it's not a simple battery replacement, they were replacing the WHOLE PACEMAKER. The surgery went well though and Mamaw is doing fine, praise the Lord!

Then the knobs in our shower started pouring down the wall and had to have a plumber come out for that. (It had been leaking a little since October but it suddenly broke loose like... so much hot water that the hot water in the hot water tank wasn't hot anymore, and that's a forty-gallon tank...)

Then the leaks in the roof broke loose and started flooding the master bedroom so we had to have a roofer give an estimate on THAT and oof covid caused the prices of everything, especially wood and shingles, to go sky high. Like. Mom and I were shocked like how are we going to do this.

Yeah that's why I haven't been on. Also, it's been a lot personally. It wasn't until my rooster, Wild Thang, got sick over a month ago that a sudden thought came to me that humbled me and challenged me. I thought I could pray for my rooster to get better, but if God wouldn't save my dad, then why bother, He won't save my rooster. And the thought that came was, "You'd be mad either way, wouldn't you?" And it was true. If God didn't save my rooster, I would have been mad because it was more pain on top of what I was already dealing with. And if He did save my rooster, I would have been mad because my dad suffered for ten years and God didn't intervene but He would save a rooster but not my dad? What kind of a God is He? I knew though when that happened I was in trouble in my walk with Jesus, and I needed to try to figure things out. It's been a lot to deal with, but I'm glad that He brought that to my attention because I was feeling bitter and angry at God for everything that happened.

On a different positive note: Wasn't able to give away any of the four kittens I saved back in October, so now they are all MINE. Just got the two males fixed and plan to get the two females fixed within the next couple of weeks. (They are five months old now! How time flies!) And Earl Grey can fetch pretty well like a dog. My friends say that they are my therapy cats. 😊

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