prayer warriors (following Jesus Christ, everyone welcome)

Lets leave it at this:
"1) Christians believe what scripture teaches because it's the authoritative word of God . 2 Tim 3:16 2) Deuteronomy 18 explicitly prohibits followers of God from communicating with the dead or speaking to any spirits like ghosts. 3) Christians are supposed to be born again. We're to be conformed to Christ by a changing and renewing of our minds. So it doesn't matter what we believed before as everything that we believed before was sinful and in service to Satan. Now that we're saved by grace through faith in Christ ALONE, we believe what He says not hold on to our traditions and sinful upbringing." -J.G

If you have more Qs or answers that You do not understand Pease PM someone hear they will be happy to answer your Qs. View attachment 3184230
Others may disagree with me, but I'd like to state my reasons, from Scripture, for why I believe the days of creation were six literal, 24-hour days. First, though, I'd like to ask our heavenly Father to bless this Bible study by sending His Holy Spirit to open our understanding to His Word, because my opinion doesn't matter two cents. What matters is "what saith the Lord." Thank You, Father Amen.

In the Book of Genesis it says that God said "Let there be light," and there was light.

Genesis 1:4-5 KJV
And God saw the light, that it was good: and God divided the light from the darkness. [5] And God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. And the evening and the morning were the first day.

The dark part of the day, evening, came first. That's why in Bible times each day begins at sunset. Counting days from midnight is a modern invention. And it makes sense. How many are awake at dawn, or at midnight, to greet the new day? But virtually all are awake at sunset. So the first thing God created was not just light, but the 24-hour day. One evening and one morning, He called a "day." One rotation of the earth. But for argument's sake, let's say God created light and set the earth to spinning oh, so slowly. Say a million years. Everything would be frozen solid on the dark side for 500,000 years and boiling on the bright side for 500,000 years. Remember, one phase of light and dark equals a "day." God said so.

On Day 2, v.6-8, God created the sky or what the KJV called a "firmament," or "heaven." This is primarily the atmosphere where we live and breathe, birds fly and clouds float. It says the waters above are separated from the waters beneath; obviously, water vapor and clouds above, seas and lakes and rivers below. The "water cycle," as we learned it in grade school. This did not need to take millenia to develop, it could have happened in a day. But again, for argument's sake, let's imagine it took an eon. At this point Earth is basically Water World. Again, ice on one side, boiling on the other, 500,000 years each. This firmament is also, as we will see, the starry heavens, all that mankind can see when he looks up from his earthly abode.

Day Three. V. 9-13. The dry land appears and is clothed with plants. At this point the "day equals a millennium" theory completely breaks down. No plants could have survived in a one-million year long "day" scenario. Once God creates vegetation, our earth HAS to be on a 24-hour day cycle. But now we have a problem. God says, "I am the Lord, I change not." He is God, "the same yesterday, today, and forever." Why would He start Creation Week one way, only to change it halfway through? And remember, there are no animals yet. Certainly no dinosaurs. Only plant life. But let us continue.

Day 4. V 14-19. Here is where God made the sun, moon, stars and planets. Prople often ask, if God did not create the sun and moon until the Fourth Day, how was there light on the First Day? The answer may be found in these two texts:

James 1:17 KJV
Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father of lights, with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning.

Revelation 21:23 KJV
And the city had no need of the sun, neither of the moon, to shine in it: for the glory of God did lighten it, and the Lamb is the light thereof.

Where God is, there is light. But to continue:

On Day Five, fish and birds were created (v. 20-23), and on Day Six, God made land animals and, finally humans (v. 24-31).

Once living creatures were added, each day, consisting of one dark period and one light period, had to have been 24 hours long. Nothing else would work. And "God saw that it was very good." And as a memorial of the completion of this good work, He created one more thing. Read Gen. 2:1-3 to see what that was.

Bottom line is, it's virtually impossible to marry the concepts of creation and evolution together in a way that satisfies both. One must either believe in a literal, six-day Creation, or one must believe in a lengthy, millennia-long evolutionary story of beginnings. You really can't have it both ways.

And both require faith. Nobody was there, and you can't replicate conditions. You can't prove either scenario. The real difference is that, with Creation, we have an Authority on which to base our belief- the Word of God. A Word filled with prophecies that have already been fulfilled, which give us a confidence that they can be trusted. The "science" of evolution is basically speculation, based on a refusal to believe in an Intelligent Designer. That's it. That's why I choose to believe in Creation, and why I think anyone can.
I am so confused as to why you feel the need to argue or even say your opinion about this subject. The person that brought it up has found peace in what they have read, and peace with the Lord. Does anything else matter? No. Yet you have brought this up multiple times in this thread, I can only assume it is to argue. And maybe make people question what they have read and believe? I don't know your motive but it is a strange one and I kindly ask you to stop trying to stuff this thought down other people's throats. That is not what this thread is about. It is about glorifying God and praying for people's requests
I am so confused as to why you feel the need to argue or even say your opinion about this subject. The person that brought it up has found peace in what they have read, and peace with the Lord. Does anything else matter? No. Yet you have brought this up multiple times in this thread, I can only assume it is to argue. And maybe make people question what they have read and believe? I don't know your motive but it is a strange one and I kindly ask you to stop trying to stuff this thought down other people's throats. That is not what this thread is about. It is about glorifying God and praying for people's requests
Thank you 😊
I just want to say I will be taking a break from this thread for a while. I thank you all for the help but I need some time to heal inside and this thread is just making me feel worse and question more at the time. I know all of you are only trying to help. I will return once I feel like I should. I don't want anything causing me more anxiety and the only way to heal is to cut out what is causing it. It's like a healing wound that get picked open every time I read this. I am good on my faith and although not a perfect Christian I know God loves me for who I am. Everyone makes mistakes and God understands. Please don't reply to my comments anymore. I need byc to be a happy place for me again.
Have a wonderful day and God bless
I too will be stepping away from this thread for now. I refuse to listen to someone telling me my beliefs, in the way the earth was created, are wrong and sinful. I believe what I believe and I know God loves me and forgives any sins I have commited. It is not up to us to judge or condemn others, yet that is happening multiple times in this thread. I won't stand for it. Please know that if you had a prayer request, I am praying
I am so confused as to why you feel the need to argue or even say your opinion about this subject. The person that brought it up has found peace in what they have read, and peace with the Lord. Does anything else matter? No. Yet you have brought this up multiple times in this thread, I can only assume it is to argue. And maybe make people question what they have read and believe? I don't know your motive but it is a strange one and I kindly ask you to stop trying to stuff this thought down other people's throats. That is not what this thread is about. It is about glorifying God and praying for people's requests
I thought I was glorifying God.

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