prayer warriors (following Jesus Christ, everyone welcome)

Also, a devotional I really enjoyed recently that changed my life.

It’s long, but humorous and worth the read.
Day 1:
Self-Centered or Christ-Centered?

Are you living your life for yourself, or are you living your life to please God?

Seriously, answer that question, and be honest.

Maybe this can help you figure it out. Self-centered people want the attention on them. They care more about themselves than others. They go after what makes them happy.

Christ-centered people want God to get the glory and attention. They care more about helping others than themselves. They want to do things they know will make God happy.

Self-centered people don’t share. So, to share your faith well, you need to become Christ-centered.

This is where you need to start. Ask yourself, “Am I self-centered or Christ-centered?”

If you’re self-centered, are you willing to change that up and become Christ-centered? Answer out loud right now. Yes or no? Say it.

Okay. The rest of this Bible Plan is for those who say, “Yes, I want to be Christ-centered.”

Now we can start to look at what it takes to share your faith.

Day 2

Just Do It (Um … not the Nike slogan.)

If you read today’s verse from Matthew in its original language, it starts off “As you are going ...”

What this means for us is as you’re living your life, you should be sharing your faith with others.

You don’t have to stand on a street corner shouting at people that they’re going to hell. Jesus didn’t do that, so you don’t have to either.

Just live your life and be intentional about sharing what God’s done for you.

Let’s say you play football—maybe you hate football—but for this example, you play football. Would people say you’re a football player who happens to be a Christian or a Christian who happens to play football?

See the difference? Are you a Christian first or the other way around?

As you’re going out and doing the things you do, be a Christian first, and let people see it.

Day 3

Do What?

Okay, it’s true you just read these verses from Matthew yesterday, but we’re going to look at a different part of them today.

This passage is called “The Great Commission.” Sounds so important, doesn’t it?

But as Christians, this is what Jesus tells us to do with our lives.

As you are going, make disciples.

What the heck does the rest of this passage mean?

What does it mean to make disciples? We’re supposed to baptize them?

So, like, carry around some water and sprinkle it on people shouting, “BAM! You’re baptized?”

Better yet, maybe just carry around a super soaker full of holy water. You can call it “The Super Soaker of Salvation” or something like that.

Maybe don’t do any of that.

But we should be making disciples as we're going. A disciple is someone who follows another person’s way of life and teaching.

So, if you want to make disciples, live your life different from other people - like Jesus did. In fact, live your life following God like Jesus did, and let others follow His example from your life.

Day 4

Step 1: Know It

Do you really know what you believe and why you believe it?

Have you ever heard someone use the term “Gospel” or “Gospel Message”? Today’s reading in Romans mentions it. Maybe the translation you read talked about "Good News."

But what does that even mean? What are you supposed to say if someone asks you about the Gospel, or what's so good about the Good News? Are you supposed to use that phrase if you're trying to share your faith?

Don't worry. Sharing your faith doesn't mean you have to use certain words. It's not so much about what you know as it is about who you know. You see, to be a Christian means to live like Christ, but to live like Christ, we need to know how He lived.

As Christians, it's important to know and understand who Jesus is, how He lived His life, and what He did on the cross.

If we don’t get it, we can’t live it.

Get to know what you believe and why you believe it so that you can live it out and share it with others.

Day 5

Step 2: Live It

A guy named St. Francis is often quoted as saying, “Preach the Gospel at all times and when necessary use words.”

This doesn’t mean you should put on white and black makeup and mime out Jesus dying on the cross. Don’t do that!

This doesn’t mean choreography and interpretative dance that communicates what Jesus did for us—unless you think it could get you on “So You Think You Can Dance.” But still, it's probably not the best way to do it.

What this is saying is that you should live your life like Christ so that you don’t need to use words to tell people you’re a Christian. You just live it out. Others see it in your life.

People can tell there’s something different about you.

When you really know what you believe, why you believe it, and then become passionate about it, it will cause you to live that out naturally.

And when you live your life fully for God, your whole life will constantly point others to Him.

Day 6

Step 3: Share It

Okay, you’re almost on the final day of this Bible Plan. Good job! Now it’s time to share your faith.

But what should that look like?

Here’s what it doesn’t look like.

  • Standing on a street corner yelling through a microphone that people are going to hell.
  • Wearing cheesy Christian t-shirts that mimic a popular brand. “Oh your shirt says ‘Jesus Christ’ in the same font as Coca-Cola. I’m thirsty for a coke, so I must also be thirsty for the Holy Spirit.”
  • Arguing with people about why they’re wrong or living wrong.
  • Walking around your school with outstretched Jesus hands telling all your friends in a soft, compassionate voice to “come follow me.”

Here’s the thing about sharing your faith—it’s a conversation, not a presentation of information.

It’s about understanding where other people are coming from and then helping them realize what Jesus did for them. It’s helping them see He’s interested in their life—whatever they’re going through or have done.

You can start by praying for the people God puts on your heart. Then, live it out in your own life. When you’re doing those things first, then you can look for open doors and opportunities to share God with others.

Day 7

You Can’t Save Anyone

Here’s something important you need to know: You can’t save anyone.

It’s not your job, duty, or responsibility.

That should take the load off a little bit. Phew! You’re not going to get to heaven and see a big scoreboard of lives you’ve saved. Dang, only two lives saved? The requirement was three. The down escalator is over there. Oh, and P.S., wear shorts. It’s hot down there.

Nope, not your job. God is the one who saves people. He is the only one who is powerful enough to make that happen.

Your job is to plant a seed, to build relationships well, share, care, help, give hope, and let people know who God is, what God’s done for us, and why we need Him. You do that through living out your faith, and leave the saving to God.

You think you can do that?
Finish reading start day 5
I got two new t shirts that I love.


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