prayer warriors (following Jesus Christ, everyone welcome)

I haven’t been getting notifications. But I’m slowly reading through and catching up. Please pray for my work today. It’s going to be a very rough day to start with and non of us are operating at full capacity. My stress level is probably going to hit the roof by the end of the day. I’ve been praying about it all week but we’ve only been open 2 hours and it’s already crazy. I was so stressed and tired yesterday I almost had a breakdown so they let me go early. I’ve only had 5 hours of sleep and am not feeling much better this morning.
I haven’t been getting notifications. But I’m slowly reading through and catching up. Please pray for my work today. It’s going to be a very rough day to start with and non of us are operating at full capacity. My stress level is probably going to hit the roof by the end of the day. I’ve been praying about it all week but we’ve only been open 2 hours and it’s already crazy. I was so stressed and tired yesterday I almost had a breakdown so they let me go early. I’ve only had 5 hours of sleep and am not feeling much better this morning.
Sending hugs. Lean into God. It may feel impossible but he can strengthen you no matter what. Praying for your day to be better:hugs
Something to ponder:

When Moses (by the Hand of God) led the Hebrews out of Egypt, a mixed multitude went with them. These were non-Hebrew slaves & sympathizers who had come to know and love the One True God, the God of Abraham, Isaac & Jacob.

God led them all to the “Mountain of God” after much refinement in the desert. There, they all cleansed themselves for 3 days, preparing & purifying themselves so they could hear the directives of God.

All present heard & understood the 10 Commandments, and all accepted them, promising to follow them.

IF we choose to follow God, walking in His Ways, then we are saying to God : “If I was there in Egypt as a slave, I too would have been at the base of Your Mountain, proclaiming my faith to You!”

The 10 Commandments! We have all read them. But do we TRULY know them?

Ex 20:2-6
I am H’shem, your God, Who has taken you out of the land of Egypt, from the house of slavery.
You shall not recognize the gods of others in My presence.
You shall not make yourself a carved image nor any likeness of that which is in the heavens above or on the earth below or in the water beneath the earth.
You shall not prostrate yourself to them, nor worship them, for I am H’shem your God - a jealous God, Who visits the sin of fathers upon children to the third and fourth generations, for My enemies;
but Who shows kindness for thousands to those who love me and observe My commandments.

A “carved image” is an idol, a created image.
An idol is an image or representation of a god used an object of worship.
Idolatry is the worship of idols.

Humans are created by God. Jesus (a Levite by his birth mother) was created by God.
It was rough but I survived. Resting right now because I have work again in the morning. Feeling a bit better.
Tomorrow shouldn’t be as bad and hopefully I’ll be able to rest all day Sunday.
Enjoy the peace I learned at a retreat once that rest is the enemy of the devil. Just rest in the embrace of Jesus. Glad your day is done, and you made it through. :hugs
I have a prayer request, my mom was having a lot of back pain and pain in some other places and she is positive its a kidney stone due to her symptoms. She's in quite a lot of pain but not yet to the point to go to the ER. She can't go to work. She may have to go to the ER in the next couple of days if the pain gets worse.

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