prayer warriors (following Jesus Christ, everyone welcome)

It was rough but I survived. Resting right now because I have work again in the morning. Feeling a bit better.
Tomorrow shouldn’t be as bad and hopefully I’ll be able to rest all day Sunday.
Oh, sorry. Did not realize you had to work Saturday. (Had not read this far when I replied earlier.) Hope you get some rest tomorrow and feel better! ❤️🙏❤️
I have a prayer request, my mom was having a lot of back pain and pain in some other places and she is positive its a kidney stone due to her symptoms. She's in quite a lot of pain but not yet to the point to go to the ER. She can't go to work. She may have to go to the ER in the next couple of days if the pain gets worse.
Oof, kidney stones, no fun! Hope she gets to feeling better. :hugs Lots of water, rest and pain meds. And yes, ER if it gets worse. Take good care of her! ❤️🙏❤️
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Well my mom did not have to go to the ER and is feeling much better but still in some pain. She will probably be able to go to church tomorrow!
Praise God for prayers answered! 🙏
Thanks for the update, Tookie. Hope she continues to improve! ❤️🙏❤️ means prayers will continue.
Unfortunately it was a work day. It wasn’t as rough and as Friday was though. My only off day this week will be Sunday.
Hope it's a better day for you, Arti. Remember you are a child of God, not a victim. Mind your boundaries, but be respectful. God is always with you.


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