prayer warriors (following Jesus Christ, everyone welcome)

Just so thankful this morning...sometimes it is the little things that make us see God in such a deeper way - cuz He sure does care bout it all!!! I've had 2 chicks struggling...1 was an assisted hatch and the other was perfectly fine til it wasn't! Really thought it was gonna die less than 24 hours ago! But it is doing so much better this morning! It just has its lil head turned sideways but not falling down, upside down and eating drinking again! So the assisted hatch has little friend now.

God cares bout the lilies and the sparrows...all while taking care of the entire universe! He is beyond amazing and oh so full of care and love!!!
I also had a very full heart this morning. Looking out at answered prayers for moisture. Our landscape has been magically turned into a winter wonderland, which means our mountains are holding precious water for our drought ridden state. We have more coming next week! Yesterday was another answer to prayer...mine as a mother. I have a daughter that is getting married this month. Extra special because she's expecting next month, has lived with this..very good man, for almost 2 years..not married. It saddened me deeply. The Lord hears our prayers of asking and our prayers of gratitude. He most certainly deserves prayers of gratitude as He's given us so so much to be grateful for. Also .. found our that my son and daughter in law are having a girl. Did the gender reveal. They have a 4 year old boy. I had had a spiritual moment a few weeks ago, seeing my daughter walk across the room with a little girl in her arms. I won't go into full detail.. I knew she was having a girl. I actually bought a dress for her the day before the gender reveal. I had told them I knew what this baby was, told them what had happened. I brought out the dress after the revealing. I'm so happy for them! God is good. Isn't He?! 💗
I also had a very full heart this morning. Looking out at answered prayers for moisture. Our landscape has been magically turned into a winter wonderland, which means our mountains are holding precious water for our drought ridden state. We have more coming next week! Yesterday was another answer to prayer...mine as a mother. I have a daughter that is getting married this month. Extra special because she's expecting next month, has lived with this..very good man, for almost 2 years..not married. It saddened me deeply. The Lord hears our prayers of asking and our prayers of gratitude. He most certainly deserves prayers of gratitude as He's given us so so much to be grateful for. Also .. found our that my son and daughter in law are having a girl. Did the gender reveal. They have a 4 year old boy. I had had a spiritual moment a few weeks ago, seeing my daughter walk across the room with a little girl in her arms. I won't go into full detail.. I knew she was having a girl. I actually bought a dress for her the day before the gender reveal. I had told them I knew what this baby was, told them what had happened. I brought out the dress after the revealing. I'm so happy for them! God is good. Isn't He?! 💗
He definitely is too good to us - congratulations!!!
You all have had some fabulous conversations happening!

Thankful for all the answered prayers.

Some relatable context for sure ❤

I'll give yall an idea of where I am at with my relationship with God.

In June God told me it was time to walk away from my church of 7yrs. I had toyed with the idea for abt 3 yrs prior, yet He wasn't giving me an answer so I stayed.

He said it was time, and I left. We've not been involved in a church since. God made it clear to me that I needed to rest and stop going through the motions. He said "I am with whether or not you attend right now" and I felt such a peace. Life was eating me alive and my Father knew how desperately I needed a break. Answered prayers for a work schedule change took place, and I stepped down from worship and away from the church. I hung up my guitar and took that rest....

Where did i prayer life! Music is how I communicate with God! It has always been this way for as long as I can remember I used to sing my prayers. Well when I hung everything up, I hung my voice up too.

I picked up my guitar again a few wks ago! I've been singing and playing and just praising...and the other day the Lord whispered to me.... "its so nice to hear you singing again."

I believe my time of rest was and is for me to rest in him, solely him without any outside pressure. Without the need for practicing music bc God doesn't care if I mess up, without the pressure of being at church every Sunday bc I am in leadership, when in fact my physical health was suffering and I needed a break. God said stop and rest...

It took me a bit to get it....but I am calling out to him daily again, and praying and singing and praising and just loving him and thanking him for how he loves me..

Such a ramble but I hope it makes sense
I get it, too! Sometimes we need to quit "doing church" and just "come ye yourselves apart and rest awhile." In order to find that wonderful relationship with Him. But He also said, "Forsake not the assembling of yourselves together." There is a real blessing in fellowship.. Hope you find that blessed balance! ❤️🌷🙏
From the family friend.
He’s in his kid 40s so still very young.

This is from last night:
Please pray for me. I burned my elbow quite badly tonight. (Brushes up against 450 degree cast iron) Please pray that it doesn’t get infected and that I can function at work on Monday. It’s a 3 day wait at urgent care and 12+ hours at the ER because of how many people are sick in my area right now so if it gets infected it’s going to be hard to get treatment.
Please pray for me. I burned my elbow quite badly tonight. (Brushes up against 450 degree cast iron) Please pray that it doesn’t get infected and that I can function at work on Monday. It’s a 3 day wait at urgent care and 12+ hours at the ER because of how many people are sick in my area right now so if it gets infected it’s going to be hard to get treatment.
Prayin no infection and heals properly!

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