prayer warriors (following Jesus Christ, everyone welcome)

Hello all, My name is Rebecca, I am a 25 year old mother of two married to my husband for four years. I wanted to start this thread for prayer request and for fellowship I will be posting messages on a regular basis. Bases off what I am learning in my church and in my walk with Christ. Rto give everyone background me I recently found out my husband isn't saved (being saved is being washed in the blood aka having accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as ones Savior) not only that but he lost a lot of memory and has been hiding it from me for the last two years. A month ago he asked me to move out for awhile, I came back after five days. He had moved in two another bedroom and later told me he was interested in someone else and wanted a to end our marriage. Through the power of God's love we are still together right now. We have set backs and some advances it's a spiritual battle and I am holding on to God and his promises and asking for his help no matter the out come I am prayer for healing in our marriage and the saving of my husband. I am waiting expecting God to work as he keeps telling me he works in all things. I am lovinh like my life depends on it as we are suppose to. I am not bragging about myself I can't do anything I have accepted that I can only brag on God, Jesus, and the Holy Ghost. I am by no ways a teacher or leader but I will answer questions or redirect and pray for you.
Will not hide the light that lives in me.
Hi Rebecca,
I'm so sorry to read about your situation. God is a God of miracles. And he's in the business of changing lives. I will pray for you & your family.
Hi Rebecca,
I'm so sorry to read about your situation. God is a God of miracles. And he's in the business of changing lives. I will pray for you & your family.
Welcome to the thread, Daff! :hugs Sadly, our OP has not been seen in a long time. But we are keeping the thread going anyway, and we keep her in our prayers. Feel free to do the same and also to let us know if you have special needs or a praise report!
Wouldn’t mind some prayers
thank you in advance 💗
Of course! God knows your needs. He is our strength, our shield, our hope and our everlasting Redeemer. He hears your prayers and will answer them in the best possible way at just the right time. :hugs
I know! But the hard days can be our greatest blessings if they bring us closer to Him and shut out the world, amen? I think that's why He allows them.
You could not be more right! If life were easy, we wouldn’t need Him! We’d never learn compassion, patience, humility, etc!
I feel more at peace this morning, I so appreciate the prayers 😊💗
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