prayer warriors (following Jesus Christ, everyone welcome)

Need prayers. I have a little Grandson in the hospital with pneumonia. He's doing better than yesterday so there's some good news that way.
Praising God for the improvement but lifting him up for complete restoration.

Update on my mother in law:
Her cancer is apparently spreading. Please pray that she would have wisdom and healing. This is hard for us all to deal with as she's not seeking any medical treatment.
Yes, and also for peace and courage. May she abide in the loving arms of Jesus, Amen.

I do have a praise report and one that proves that hardships can remind us of how much we need Him.
My son and DIL (who lost their unborn baby recently), came to church with us for the first time! Praise God for that!
I want to remind us all that He is faithful, He is faithful, He is faithful. Even when we don’t see or feel it, or believe for it! He is faithful even when we are not! He will never leave or forsake you! Never!
His faithfulness is never ending, AMEN! May they find peace, comfort and faith in Him and His promise of eternal life. I lost my first pregnancy as well, and the promise of a resurrection and eternal life has always been a great comfort to me. I pray it will be to them as well.

Absolutely. Zero doubt where she's going if she does pass away. ❤️
John 11:25-26 KJV
Jesus said unto her, I am the resurrection, and the life: he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live: [26] And whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die. Believest thou this?

Death holds no terrors for those who believe in Jesus.

Well, when it rains as they say....the granddaughter that was just born last week has been being checked as her Bilirubin has been high. It's now at 16..20 being harmful. If it hasn't come down by tomorrow she will either be sent to the hospital or they will bring a light home for her. Pray if it be God's will..that this will be under control soon. Thank you!
MAy all your little ones be blessed with an abundance of health! ❤️
I've gone in several different times now through the last few years for these chest pains. They always had good results of the EKG and blood work. So they're thinking Esophageal Spasms. This makes a perfect mimic of a heart attack. Since it does, I'm told to go in with any chest pain to be safe. This time they were really tight squeezes through to the back and up my neck. I gave it a while hoping they would stop because Austin and Bronwyn..son and daughter in law that stay here.. had her family over. Pain kept up..called Austin up..he says..lets go. This dr. didn't like the fact that using nitro stops the pain. But she said that it could be stopping the tightened muscles around the Esophagus. She wants me to get a stress test. 😩 I really don't like those. I've had a few. It won't take long to get my heart rate up this time around though. It goes up pretty high now days just walking around. 🙄 Got home last night. My VM had been triggered good. I bent over to check on my pinky toe..I broke it a few days ago, while bent over everything started spinning and down I went. Hit the bathroom door, it crashed up against the wall. I wasn't out of it for long. Thought I had a loose crystal in ear because of spinning..Austin comes running back upstairs. You ok?! I said, I passed out a He says I heard! I told him I'll be fine, I just need to lay down. Took my BP one time before bed because it was high the whole time at the hospital..179/100 when I got there. It was down enough when I went to bed. My head feels awful today. Knew it would. Dizzy woozy probably for a few days. Man, getting, is fun in a lot of ways, on the other hand there are definitely some pluses. :)
I've gone in several different times now through the last few years for these chest pains. They always had good results of the EKG and blood work. So they're thinking Esophageal Spasms. This makes a perfect mimic of a heart attack. Since it does, I'm told to go in with any chest pain to be safe. This time they were really tight squeezes through to the back and up my neck. I gave it a while hoping they would stop because Austin and Bronwyn..son and daughter in law that stay here.. had her family over. Pain kept up..called Austin up..he says..lets go. This dr. didn't like the fact that using nitro stops the pain. But she said that it could be stopping the tightened muscles around the Esophagus. She wants me to get a stress test. 😩 I really don't like those. I've had a few. It won't take long to get my heart rate up this time around though. It goes up pretty high now days just walking around. 🙄 Got home last night. My VM had been triggered good. I bent over to check on my pinky toe..I broke it a few days ago, while bent over everything started spinning and down I went. Hit the bathroom door, it crashed up against the wall. I wasn't out of it for long. Thought I had a loose crystal in ear because of spinning..Austin comes running back upstairs. You ok?! I said, I passed out a He says I heard! I told him I'll be fine, I just need to lay down. Took my BP one time before bed because it was high the whole time at the hospital..179/100 when I got there. It was down enough when I went to bed. My head feels awful today. Knew it would. Dizzy woozy probably for a few days. Man, getting, is fun in a lot of ways, on the other hand there are definitely some pluses. :)
You’re so stoic mamabear!!
We pray for your healing in Jesus‘ mighty, precious and Holy name, we pray for His presence and His peace to be all around you and your family right now!
Thank you Father for all that you have done are doing and will do for all in Jesus name amen

Thank you Lord

At the time of this post I did not know that my DILhad an emergency c-section
( 6 weeks early ) and my
granddaughter ( 34 weeks) had a breathing tube and is in NICU
4’ 5”

( this iPhone has no service and I use it for WiFi and FaceTime) ( and my cell android phone was on silent and I did not get all the calls and texts . I was running late to catch the bus to go to work and did not check my phone)

I went to Texas with the other grandmother

we got to the hospital at 820 pm and went to see my son and DIL and than I got to see my granddaughter in the incubator
No touching

Praise God
She got off of the breathing tube and was put on CPAP

Friday night I got to touch her feet

Saturday parents finally got to hold her

And Sunday afternoon she is off CPAP

And I am back home

Thank you Jesus

( I have not read any posts that I have missed yet)
Thank you Lord

At the time of this post I did not know that my DILhad an emergency c-section
( 6 weeks early ) and my
granddaughter ( 34 weeks) had a breathing tube and is in NICU
4’ 5”

( this iPhone has no service and I use it for WiFi and FaceTime) ( and my cell android phone was on silent and I did not get all the calls and texts . I was running late to catch the bus to go to work and did not check my phone)

I went to Texas with the other grandmother

we got to the hospital at 820 pm and went to see my son and DIL and than I got to see my granddaughter in the incubator
No touching

Praise God
She got off of the breathing tube and was put on CPAP

Friday night I got to touch her feet

Saturday parents finally got to hold her

And Sunday afternoon she is off CPAP

And I am back home

Thank you Jesus

( I have not read any posts that I have missed yet)
:eek: wow, Kikiruru, that is a lot to get hit with all at once! But God had hold of it all the time, didn't He? (As He always does!) Praising Him that your loved ones are improving from their ordeals! And you got to touch the baby. Praise Him, praise Him!

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