prayer warriors (following Jesus Christ, everyone welcome)

This is from another thread:

Oh, Heavenly Father ... some things really do seem impossible to bear! But You have promised You will not allow us to be tempted beyond our ability to bear. You have promised You will always provide "a way of escape" so that the unbearable will be bearable. You are that Way, Lord. You have provided Jesus, Yourself in human flesh, to bear our burdens, to carry our sorrows, so that even in the deepest pit of despair we can know we are never alone. You have walked this bitter path with us. You lost Your Son as well. There is blood on the rocky path we walk, and that blood is Yours, showing us You have been here ahead of us, in Him. Walk with us, Lord. Hold us close to You. Let us know we are not alone. Send Your Holy Spirit to comfort this young mother and her mother as well in this time of sorrow and loss. Heal their grief, Father. Remind them that a day is coming when death and the grave will be no more, and this precious sleeping child will be restored to their loving arms, never to be taken away again. Thank You, Lord, for the promise of a resurrection. We thank You in the precious name of Your dear Son, Jesus, the Way, the Truth, and the Life for evermore. Amen.
Just beautiful Blue, hope you can feel my gratitude. Love you sweet lady.
I'd like to request prayer for myself, if y'all wouldn't mind..
I'm going through a lot with my job, family, and personal things.
I've been praying and reading God's word to help with the pain and stress of it all. But I'd still appreciate prayer.

God hears our prayers. Because he loves us, every so dearly.

Thank you everyone, May God bless you all. ☺️
Remember the butterfly ....

Do you know the story of the boy who was watching a chrysalis open and the new butterfly struggling to get out? It seemed to be taking such a long time! The butterfly would thrash and struggle for a while, then it would stop and rest for a long time. This happened over and over.

'He's not gonna make it,' the boy thought. 'I better help him.'

So he went and got his mom's sharp cuticle scissors, and ever so carefully he snipped the chrysalis to make a bigger hole for the butterfly.

'Now he'll come out,' the boy thought.

But to his disappointment the butterfly crawled out, weak and misshapen. It flapped its wings slowly a few times, then died. What the boy did not realize was that the butterfly needed the struggle against the chrysalis for survival. That struggle was what strengthened it and gave it life.

We have trials and struggles, too. We don't like them. Sometimes we wish God would take them away and make our lives easier. But in His infinite love and wisdom, He knows that those struggles and trials are just what we need to grow stronger, or closer to Him, or more patient...

"If He brings us to it, He will bring us through it." He will never leave you, nor forsake you. "For lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the world." ❤️
Remember the butterfly ....

Do you know the story of the boy who was watching a chrysalis open and the new butterfly struggling to get out? It seemed to be taking such a long time! The butterfly would thrash and struggle for a while, then it would stop and rest for a long time. This happened over and over.

'He's not gonna make it,' the boy thought. 'I better help him.'

So he went and got his mom's sharp cuticle scissors, and ever so carefully he snipped the chrysalis to make a bigger hole for the butterfly.

'Now he'll come out,' the boy thought.

But to his disappointment the butterfly crawled out, weak and misshapen. It flapped its wings slowly a few times, then died. What the boy did not realize was that the butterfly needed the struggle against the chrysalis for survival. That struggle was what strengthened it and gave it life.

We have trials and struggles, too. We don't like them. Sometimes we wish God would take them away and make our lives easier. But in His infinite love and wisdom, He knows that those struggles and trials are just what we need to grow stronger, or closer to Him, or more patient...

"If He brings us to it, He will bring us through it." He will never leave you, nor forsake you. "For lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the world." ❤️
Thank you, Blue.
I like that, that's a good lesson to be learned.
"If He brings us to it, He will bring us through it." He will never leave you, nor forsake you. "For lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the world." ❤️
The Lord used you tonight, sister.
I was talking to the Lord, and he said the exact same thing.
Thank you.
I’ve got a praise report to share!
I’m finally registered for summer classes at college. TLDR(God’s timing is best)

I’ve been fighting with paperwork stuff basically since August trying to get some of this straightened out.
The whole time I’ve been asking God why? My family was extremely frustrated and ready to storm up to the college but I just kept hearing to be patient. To wait. Which I didn’t understand. Waiting makes no sense in this scenario.

Finally last Tuesday I was down I the last piece of paperwork I had to submit. I wasn’t able to get ahold of the administrator of was supposed to talk to until Friday. I talked to them and unfortunately because of work I wouldn’t be able to submit the paper until after the office was closed for the weekend. I left work frustrated about yet another delay when the deadline to register was coming up.

Friday night I went to go to a play being put on by my old homeschool group. I ended up talking to one of my friends who is graduating next week who I hadn’t seen in forever. Turns out he is taking the exact same classes! He was already registered for them and I was able to select to be in the same time slots as him. If I had signed up for classes any earlier I wouldn’t have been able to that.

One of my biggest prayers this whole time has been that God would send me Godly friends at college. Not only has he sent me one but it’s one that I’ve known for 6+ years and was worried about losing touch with after Highschool. I feel so grateful!

(Edit: sorry this is so long)
Thank you, Blue.
I like that, that's a good lesson to be learned.

The Lord used you tonight, sister.
I was talking to the Lord, and he said the exact same thing.
Thank you.
Praise God.
Remind me of these things when I'm feeling crushed, won't you?
I’ve got a praise report to share!
I’m finally registered for summer classes at college. TLDR(God’s timing is best)

I’ve been fighting with paperwork stuff basically since August trying to get some of this straightened out.
The whole time I’ve been asking God why? My family was extremely frustrated and ready to storm up to the college but I just kept hearing to be patient. To wait. Which I didn’t understand. Waiting makes no sense in this scenario.

Finally last Tuesday I was down I the last piece of paperwork I had to submit. I wasn’t able to get ahold of the administrator of was supposed to talk to until Friday. I talked to them and unfortunately because of work I wouldn’t be able to submit the paper until after the office was closed for the weekend. I left work frustrated about yet another delay when the deadline to register was coming up.

Friday night I went to go to a play being put on by my old homeschool group. I ended up talking to one of my friends who is graduating next week who I hadn’t seen in forever. Turns out he is taking the exact same classes! He was already registered for them and I was able to select to be in the same time slots as him. If I had signed up for classes any earlier I wouldn’t have been able to that.

One of my biggest prayers this whole time has been that God would send me Godly friends at college. Not only has he sent me one but it’s one that I’ve known for 6+ years and was worried about losing touch with after Highschool. I feel so grateful!

(Edit: sorry this is so long)
Praise God, what a wonderful testimony! And it wasn't too long, it was as long as it needed to be, to render praise. It was just right! Thank you for sharing! :hugs God's ways are perfect! Please keep us posted in your college journey. And may God continue to richly bless and guide you.

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