prayer warriors (following Jesus Christ, everyone welcome)

Hi y'all, I am a Christian chicken lover and would love to be a part of this group. Jesus holds all things in His hands, so we never have to be afraid of anything. That is what I always like to think when I am in a scary, sad, or anything other situation. So, I would love to pray for you all and share some of my prayers with you guys. My name is Nora, I am a teenager, and I am crazy for the Lord.
Hi y'all, I am a Christian chicken lover and would love to be a part of this group. Jesus holds all things in His hands, so we never have to be afraid of anything. That is what I always like to think when I am in a scary, sad, or anything other situation. So, I would love to pray for you all and share some of my prayers with you guys. My name is Nora, I am a teenager, and I am crazy for the Lord.
Welcome! We love crazy Christian loving teenagers!
Did you know the Bible says "Fear not," or "Be not afraid," 366 times? That's one for every day of the year including leap year! God does not want us to be afraid. Try to remember that He is with you, always and everywhere. Read John 3:17, yes 17! He casts our sins into the deepest ocean and remembers them no more. He erases them from His memory bank, how cool is that! Psalm 103 says He removes them "as far as the east is from the west" - a distance that cannot be measured. North can be measured from south, but not east from west. He took our sins into the grave and left them there, praise His name!

As long as it takes us to let Him. :hugsWe have to surrender, accept Him into our hearts and submit to His leadership. Only when He is 100% Lord of our lives, can He make changes in us. It starts in a heartbeat, and it takes a lifetime.

What works for me is prayer. I have to get honest with God. He already knows everything about me, so I guess I have to get honest with ... ME. Sometimes, since I'm a bit (or a lot!) ADHD, it helps to sit at my keyboard and put it in writing. Nobody's ever going to see it but Him and me. It helps me to stay focused. We work out a lot of ... stuff ... that way. He opens my understanding. I guess you could say He talks to me. I continue until I find peace. ❤️
Thank you!! That makes sense and is helpful. ❤️

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