prayer warriors (following Jesus Christ, everyone welcome)

You are a nurturer? You need to feel needed. I can relate... I was born a twin; I've jokingly said I was born married. When I am single I hardly know what to do with myself. I have to have someone to take care of or I feel lost and displaced, unneeded and unnecessary. During those times I often worked as a caregiver, that helped. Of course at this age, and given my own health needs those days are behind me now. I'm just about at the stage where I am in need of a caregiver or at least a housekeeper! What kinds of things are you able to do, or what services are you wanting to provide, Cynthia? Could you read to someone in a nursing home, perhaps? Or do you have something else in mind? I know that, like me, your abilities are also becoming limited.
Well then. Let's give some time out to recognize a very perceptive and a person full of empathy. Stephanie, it's like you read me like a book. I've been..caregiving since I can remember. Won't go into details with each but here goes. I pretty much took care of my mother and siblings once she divorced and she became very depressed. I got married at the age of 20. Had two children. He wasn't faithful. Divorced after a..year..of trying to work it out. Did a real common thing, married, rebound. Had two children again, first one being born with the number one birth defect in our country at the time..Spina Bifida with Myelomeningocele. Talk about doing a lot of caring. In and out of children's hospital for years. Married to that man fir 7 and a half years. Then, single, taking care of 4 children, one still needing surgery throughout. I really thought I was done with being married! lol. The Lord had mind for me. I got a calling in my church to work with singles which led me into the singles activities and that's where I met Scott. He had 7 children, I had 4. We were both on our knees asking the Lord if we could make a marriage work. Of course we could. I had finally met a man that loved God as much as I did. Through the Lords much help, things came along. Not saying it was easy but we all made it. Then my mother passed away. I became guardian of my mentally handicapped sister. I had her living with us for a few years, then had her in a facility. She developed kidney disease. I made sure she got into Dialysis treatment. Things were not working out for her. Bless her after surgery trying to keep fistula's working. She finally said, no more! She wanted to go home and see mom. Her decision. Stop Dialysis. She lived 5 weeks, thankfully through Easter. I had been told she would not get past 2 weeks. I had brought her home for those 5 weeks. She passed away here at home. In May. My husband had already been diagnosed with Alzheimers. Little did I know that the very next year he would pass away here at home in..May. He had been diagnosed for 3 and a half years, but, I knew something was going on a good two years before. And now, sweet Blue asks me if I could do something in a rest home for someone. Back in the day .. married to my Scott..I worked in a nursing home and in an Assisted Home Living facility as a CNA. Loved taking care of those old folks. Guess what Blue? I have 2 nursing homes just minutes away, seriously, probably under 5 minutes away. You are right about my health, but I really should go and see if there is a possibility of me just showing up on my good days to spend some time with someone, or a couple of someone's. :) Surprised I haven't thought of doing something on my own there. I've gone in with other ladies in my church to give prayer and thoughts. I'm so going to go check it out. There is so much scripture where we are asked to serve, and give of what we have. Any means, in helping others either spiritually or physically. To the poor in heart and/or to the poor in lacking sufficient money's. I pray always to be directed to these..and it's amazing the things that have come along for me to do. Now another direction has been given. Sometimes we don't see things right in front of our face until it's literally pointed out. My foggy brain has been too focused on family things that frankly they can handle themselves. I can still pray for them. Now, to keep looking for something I can do. I can visit in both of these nursing homes close by. Thanks Blue. ❤️
Can be a bit hard for me to share about my faith as I'm still learning things about it. Raised mostly Baptist, but again I'm still figuring out all of the particulars of what I believe. It has honestly only been this last year that I've started to "own my faith" I still have a lot of learning to do after neglecting it for so long.
I really want to be able to say I am living out Matthew 5:13-16
Ye are the salt of the earth: but if the salt have lost his savour, wherewith shall it be salted? it is thenceforth good for nothing, but to be cast out, and to be trodden under foot of men. Ye are the light of the world. A city that is set on an hill cannot be hid. Neither do men light a candle, and put it under a bushel, but on a candlestick; and it giveth light unto all that are in the house. Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.
Get into the word of God, the Bible.

I accepted Christ's offer of salvation in 2000, was on fire for God for ten plus years, then my ardor cooled, and I found myself churchless and out of fellowship with the Lord...until this year. I'm back to my daily Bible reading and am again feeling the joy I'd lost for a few years! It was hard at first to get back into the routine, but now I look forward to my daily time with God through His word and prayers.
Well then. Let's give some time out to recognize a very perceptive and a person full of empathy. Stephanie, it's like you read me like a book. I've been..caregiving since I can remember. Won't go into details with each but here goes. I pretty much took care of my mother and siblings once she divorced and she became very depressed. I got married at the age of 20. Had two children. He wasn't faithful. Divorced after a..year..of trying to work it out. Did a real common thing, married, rebound. Had two children again, first one being born with the number one birth defect in our country at the time..Spina Bifida with Myelomeningocele. Talk about doing a lot of caring. In and out of children's hospital for years. Married to that man fir 7 and a half years. Then, single, taking care of 4 children, one still needing surgery throughout. I really thought I was done with being married! lol. The Lord had mind for me. I got a calling in my church to work with singles which led me into the singles activities and that's where I met Scott. He had 7 children, I had 4. We were both on our knees asking the Lord if we could make a marriage work. Of course we could. I had finally met a man that loved God as much as I did. Through the Lords much help, things came along. Not saying it was easy but we all made it. Then my mother passed away. I became guardian of my mentally handicapped sister. I had her living with us for a few years, then had her in a facility. She developed kidney disease. I made sure she got into Dialysis treatment. Things were not working out for her. Bless her after surgery trying to keep fistula's working. She finally said, no more! She wanted to go home and see mom. Her decision. Stop Dialysis. She lived 5 weeks, thankfully through Easter. I had been told she would not get past 2 weeks. I had brought her home for those 5 weeks. She passed away here at home. In May. My husband had already been diagnosed with Alzheimers. Little did I know that the very next year he would pass away here at home in..May. He had been diagnosed for 3 and a half years, but, I knew something was going on a good two years before. And now, sweet Blue asks me if I could do something in a rest home for someone. Back in the day .. married to my Scott..I worked in a nursing home and in an Assisted Home Living facility as a CNA. Loved taking care of those old folks. Guess what Blue? I have 2 nursing homes just minutes away, seriously, probably under 5 minutes away. You are right about my health, but I really should go and see if there is a possibility of me just showing up on my good days to spend some time with someone, or a couple of someone's. :) Surprised I haven't thought of doing something on my own there. I've gone in with other ladies in my church to give prayer and thoughts. I'm so going to go check it out. There is so much scripture where we are asked to serve, and give of what we have. Any means, in helping others either spiritually or physically. To the poor in heart and/or to the poor in lacking sufficient money's. I pray always to be directed to these..and it's amazing the things that have come along for me to do. Now another direction has been given. Sometimes we don't see things right in front of our face until it's literally pointed out. My foggy brain has been too focused on family things that frankly they can handle themselves. I can still pray for them. Now, to keep looking for something I can do. I can visit in both of these nursing homes close by. Thanks Blue. ❤️
What a blessing, thank you!
It's been awhile since I posted on this thread but I have a prayer request. My boss's husband left on a golf trip from Ohio to South Carolina, while the trip was good, they think he had a stroke yesterday. He is at the hospital undergoing tests. My boss can't go down to be with him and she's freaking out, of course. His daughter is with him so that's good. If y'all can pray for a speedy recovery for him and peace for my boss, that would be appreciated. Thank you

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