prayer warriors (following Jesus Christ, everyone welcome)

I am not sure that having stockpiles of food is going to help in time of trouble. I see people displaced due to earthquakes, fires, floods, volcanoes, wars, tornadoes - and any stockpiles they may have are completely lost to them. The Lord who fed His people with manna and brought water from a rock is not without resources for His people in the last days. What we need to stock up on is to hide His Word in our hearts lest we be like the foolish virgins whose lamps go out due to lack of the oil of the Holy Spirit when we need it.
100% agree AMEN
it is soooo nice to hear that from another person
He collects all your tears in a bottle:
"Thou tellest my wanderings: put thou my tears into thy bottle: are they not in thy book?" - Psalms 56:8
Dementia is a horrible thing. ... Is your husband getting enough water to drink? Keeping hydrated is very important and helpful. Our friend lives alone but we're starting to think she shouldn't.
He drinks a lot of water, he has diabetes and the medication works like a diuretic.
100% agree AMEN
it is soooo nice to hear that from another person
Bless you for the validation, and to @fuzzi as well. I was reading Matt. 24 and I won't quote it here, there's a lot, but in a nutshell, we are told, when it's time to flee the cities, flee for your life with great urgency. Don't turn back to your house to take anything from there; if you are on your rooftop do not even go into your house to get your coat. So if you have stockpiles of food, they are not going to do you any good whatsoever. We are going to be totally dependent on the Lord.

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