prayer warriors (following Jesus Christ, everyone welcome)

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I read once that there are 3,573 promises in the Bible. You can easily remember that number if you notice there is a 3 at each end and "57 Varieties" in the middle, like it says on the Heinz ketchup bottle.

That's a lot of promises! So there's sure to be one to fit your need or circumstance, whatever it may be.

The Bible also says "fear not" or "be not afraid" 366 times. That's once for every day of the year, including leap year. So God's got you covered for every day of the year!
Oh ... and in Psalm 103, God says he removes our sins from us, "as far as the east is from the west." Did you ever wonder why He doesn't say He removes them as far as north is from south?

It's because how far north is from south is a measurable distance. From North-Pole to the South Pole, it is 12,436.12 mi (20,014.00 km). But it is impossible to measure how far east is from west.

There are other good promises in Psalm 103, go find them! 😉

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