prayer warriors (following Jesus Christ, everyone welcome)

I do have one prayer request. My dad is not saved, and he refuses to believe that any religion is true. He says he believes in a god, but he's not sure it's the God of the Bible. He also struggles with an alcohol addiction. So please be praying that God would soften his heart and give him the strength and will to conquer his addiction. 💗

So my friend that I was telling you guys about. There is something weird between us and it just keeps on getting worse. I've lost a few of my friends lately due to different callings from God and them having to move. Anyways I was wondering if you guys would pray for our friendship and us to do God's will.

Thank you Father for the internet / Wi-Fi cell phones computers and other devices to have instant communication through text email and to be able to see and talk to family and friends with iPhone FaceTime and android Facebook messenger wherever they are
in Jesus name amen
Lol, it's almost as good as prayer - in which we can communicate with the Creator of the entire universe INSTANTLY at any moment, whatever we may be doing, and knowing that He hears us IMMEDIATELY (if not sooner)!

Isaiah 65:24 KJV
And it shall come to pass, that before they call, I will answer; and while they are yet speaking, I will hear.
Hey! I guess I'm joining a bit late, but I'd love to be a part of this thread! :)
Hi, welcome! ❤️

I do have one prayer request. My dad is not saved, and he refuses to believe that any religion is true. He says he believes in a god, but he's not sure it's the God of the Bible. He also struggles with an alcohol addiction. So please be praying that God would soften his heart and give him the strength and will to conquer his addiction. 💗
Your dad sounds a lot like my (late) dad. Skeptical, full of questions. If he believes a God exists, God can work with him. He does not have to belong to an organized religious group to be saved. It can be very confusing to know which of hundreds, if not thousands of religions is the "right" one when there are so many. The important thing is to have a relationship with Him, which your Dad may have. You don't know, and can't know, whether he does or not. As for his alcoholism. The Lord can work on this addiction, as He works on all of us who battle the sin problem (which is everybody). As we walk with God day by day, He gives us a new heart to enable us to become more and more like Him, and then these things just fall away. So my prayer for your dad is that His love for God and His Son Jesus will fill his heart so completely that there is no room for addictions except an addiction for righteousness. Does your Dad have a Bible? He won't know if the God he knows is the God of the Bible unless and until he gets familiar with the God of the Bible. So be sure he has a Bible and can get to know that God.

So my friend that I was telling you guys about. There is something weird between us and it just keeps on getting worse. I've lost a few of my friends lately due to different callings from God and them having to move. Anyways I was wondering if you guys would pray for our friendship and us to do God's will.
Not sure I understand. Is God pulling you away from friends that are pulling you away from God? Praise and thank Him for this and seek other, godly friends.

John 7:17 KJV
If any man will do his will, he shall know of the doctrine, whether it be of God, or whether I speak of myself.

What this Scripture text means to me is that I must be WILLING to do God's will, if I want to know God's will for me. If I am not willing to do what God shows me, or to walk in the way He guides me, then why should He answer my prayers for guidance? I would be scorning the Holy Spirit, a most serious offense. I will pray for you to be willing to follow as God leads in your friendships.
I do have one prayer request. My dad is not saved, and he refuses to believe that any religion is true. He says he believes in a god, but he's not sure it's the God of the Bible. He also struggles with an alcohol addiction. So please be praying that God would soften his heart and give him the strength and will to conquer his addiction. 💗
Does your Dad have a Bible? He won't know if the God he knows is the God of the Bible unless and until he gets familiar with the God of the Bible. So be sure he has a Bible and can get to know God.
He thinks the Bible we read today is not in its purest form. He sees no point in reading it unless he can read it in what it was originally written, so he won't read it because "it has the chance of being corrupted since it's been passed down through so many generations of humans."
So my friend that I was telling you guys about. There is something weird between us and it just keeps on getting worse. I've lost a few of my friends lately due to different callings from God and them having to move. Anyways I was wondering if you guys would pray for our friendship and us to do God's will.

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