Predators...thankfully only in my dream!


12 Years
May 8, 2007
don't know what it was but at 3:30am, i was dreaming about coons being into my coop and i woke up, sat bolt upright in bed and was freaking out. i was convinced coons were in my coop. not sure if they were screaming outside again or not. (we've had odd screaming at night off and on for a few months. we thought it might be a fox but the only thing we ever seen is a coon.) i almost got in the truck and drove down to the barn (ours is a good haul from the house) but i finally went back to sleep. when i got down there this A.M. i carefully checked everything out, all seems fine. thank GOD it had just been a dream.

i'm heading out of town later in the week, leaving DH in charge of the chickies so i'm probably just paranoid.
That would be tough, being so far away from the barn....I'm glad it was only a dream..hard to get back to sleep after one of those though.
actually you're lucky . . .

i woke up in the middle of the night out of a nightmare that a sinister monster -who's face i could not see, but who's horrifying hairy back was all-too visible - was riding a goat with bloated male goat "parts" into my chicken coup to launch a war against my silkies.
had to take a soma to get back to sleep.

I think I heard something about that horrible beast last night...but I'm not sure where I heard it.....
I didn't have a bad dream about a predator, just one about WAXING some guys back, hair by hair. Or maybe his entire body, and not excluding parts normally removed on females. I actually woke up laughing. Of course, I'd use VERY hot wax and not miss a single hair.....

Being a compulsive, picky retentive sort I would have done a SUPER job.

BTW, my husband is a very hairy guy, not abnormally, but lots of hair, and I love him the way he is. Also very warm to cuddle with.

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