Pregnant doe


Dec 24, 2017
so I'm still not sure what to do. My doe is 32 days past breeding, expected her to have her babies on day 30 but nothing. This is my first time breeding rabbits and they had 2 successful fall offs. She still hasn't made a nest and hasn't really ate anything since yesterday. Also the fur on her butt is very loose, in the photo you can kind of see what I'm talking about but there is significantly more of the loose hair today than 2 days ago, like I can easily pull little "tuffs" of hair off her. I'm not sure what's happened or if I should go ahead and try to rebreed her or wait.... Please help


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Ignore the loose fur; it means nothing (besides she could stand to be groomed).

Most of my does kindle on day 32. Of all the rabbits I have had, I had only one that reliably kindled on day 30. I've only had a handful of does kindle between day 28 and day 30, and that was only when they were carrying huge litters (12 or more).

If a doe is carrying a litter of only one or two, she might go as long as day 34 or day 35 before she delivers. When that happens, the kits are so large and it takes so long for them to be born, they usually don't survive the birth process.

I have had a couple of does that didn't do any nest making until just hours or minutes before delivery, but most do at least some hay carrying or digging in the box days before then. If your doe is pregnant, she should have done something by now, but you should know for sure within the next few days.

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